Since I got into the movies, 'Running Scared,' that did $40 million. 'Princess Bride,' I got good reviews for the character Miracle Max. 'Memories of Me' didn't do well. 'Throw Mama from the Train' did $70 million. 'Harry and Sally' did 95 or 96. 'City Slickers' did $120 million.

I pride myself in being able to survive just about any situation on stage now. I can handle pressure.

I've worn down America.

The Academy and the Oscars have been very gracious to me.

When I was about 21 and just about to get out of college at NYU, Vietnam was raging, and I was a frustrated musician for a little bit.

I was raised mostly by my mom.

My dad died when I was 15 and worked way too much.

To this day, with all of these muscle-bound guys, nobody hit the ball further than Mickey Mantle, with his natural strength.

I went to my first game May 30, 1956, and Mantle was in the beginnings of his Triple Crown season. And he was drop-dead handsome.

I never missed a birthday. I never missed a school play. We carpooled. And the greatest compliment I can ever get is not about my career or performance or anything; it's when people say, 'You know, your girls are great.' That's the real thing for me.

Rehearsals are for gags.

That whole concept of 'I want to really go after people' - I don't understand that. Is it a roast, or is it an awards show?

As a comedian, you have everything working against you.

Our professor was Marty Scorsese. Marty was a graduate student, or Mr. Scorsese, which is what I had to call him, and still do when I see him 'cause he gave me a C.

I still don't love the darkness, though I've learned to smile in it a little bit, now and then.

My Aunt Sheila was terrifying! She would put a napkin in her mouth and say, 'You've got something on your face, dear. Let me just scratch that off your face. Let me sand your cheek.'

I have to admit, I was a little bit of a misfit.

That's still the greatest high, that feeling of being in control of 2,000 people. It's me and them, and I like the odds. It's not even so much the funny. It's getting them quiet. In the quiet moments in '700 Sundays,' I just really love that they're getting moved.

We're seeing this disintegration of the family movie into these blockbuster things that kids should not be exposed to with explosions, carnage and violence.

I really could've been a good student, but I was always hearing an imaginary audience.

I was always looking for something else to do most of the time, until I got into the acting program. Then, I really found myself.

I'm almost shocked that I'm still around after all of these years... and always grateful that I get another turn to do something.

I think I've far exceeded what I ever thought I could possibly do.

When I was growing up in the house, we'd watch the Oscars.