Having two kids, I don't get out to see stand up much anymore.

The thing is, I've gotten massages to Enya. I like Enya. If you ate fantastic steaks to Celine Dion, you'd like Celine Dion.

My first joke was about a company called Five Star Parking that was all over Philadelphia: 'Who's reviewing parking lots?'

It's time Hawaii answer doubters and produce documents proving that it is a state. What are they hiding? And why haven't we seen these documents?

Other than Green Day, we haven't had a lot of protest music over the past few decades.

I don't think arrested-adolescent humor will fade. Maybe the form will change, but I guarantee its replacement will still be based in immature behavior from mature figures.

Nothing is funnier than confidently doing the wrong thing.

I hired a personal trainer to help me lose 25 pounds and get from obese to fat. My next step will be to get from fat to chubby.

There's nothing more American than movies.

The hardest thing in the world to do is to have someone in a seat in a theater laughing so hard that they're making weird sounds.

I actually opened for Chris Rock at the Funny Bone one time.

I was a huge fan of comedy in high school.

If you're making comedies, they have to have a fun and a rhythm to them.

Anyone in the comedy world knows that Horatio Sanz and Chris Parnell are two of the funniest guys around.

Comedy is funny when it comes from truth, and that's always the rule of them. It's about how far you can push that boundary.

I think the world of comedy is a relatively small community, and especially for women in comedy, there just aren't that many people involved.

There's a certain truism that you can't be self-conscious in comedy.

The real heart of comedy is uncovering a truth about yourself or about the world that you didn't see.

At 21, my career took a comedic turn when I was cast in a new Broadway play called 'Brooklyn Boy,' by Donald Margulies, which was equal parts funny and sad. I realized that the more seriously I expressed my character's feelings, the funnier the scene became.

If I'm gonna stay in this world of comedy, then it has to be a really special character to me in a really smart piece of material.

More and more, people probably associate me in this world of comedy and these confident, brassy, big ladies, which I love, but my insides and who I feel like internally and the kind of work that I hope to continue doing feels very different from that.

I was playing a lot of bigger, sort-of-comedic characters in slightly heightened realities, and it had been so fun and fulfilling for a long time. But it got to a point where I just felt like I didn't have that in me anymore.

A lot of people think I'm a comedian.

Do you know what I like about comedy? You can’t laugh and be afraid at the same time—of anything. If you're laughing, I defy you to be afraid.