One place that I really feel comfortable is being a comedienne. I'm very socially inept. There's so many things that I can not do in life, and this is, like, the one thing that I have mastery over. It's my world. And anybody who's coming to the show, it's like they're coming because they know that this is my world.

I went to a performance-art high school, and a teacher there was signing me up for open-mic nights at the comedy club. I think about it now, and I think, 'Well, that may be inappropriate,' but it was great!'

I do love the road, because for me, the road is very comfortable, and it's very much what I've always wanted to do. It's one of the most appealing things about comedy for me, so I do really have an affection for it.

The best tattooists are in San Francisco, and they're kind of like my family now. I'm always excited to come back to San Francisco.

Tattooing is my social life, too, so most of my time is taken up with that. People like Henry Lewis, Mike Davis at Everlasting Tattoo.

My parents never really had that much money, so I kind of live in the same world that they do.

I'm not a mom, but I think the word 'mother' is about wisdom.

My history in show business spans over a quarter of a century, and I have seen many people in the industry struggle with coming out, only to find much more success after they finally did.

I have a box of awards in the closet. I think it is weird to put them out. I might if I had an Emmy or Oscar, but I don't.

I don't have children, and I am not sure if I have wanted them or never wanted them. It's weird not to be able to decide.

I didn't appreciate the young woman that I was, or my young beauty, because I was so obsessed with the fact that I felt fat. It's never good to add to anybody else's suffering. It's an important topic to really get the gravity and the importance of - dealing with dignity.

I have permanent damage to my body because I wanted to be thin.

Interventions are really emotionally exhausting and I would never ever want to have one. In the same way, I would never want to have a surprise birthday party. That would be horrible.

My parents are very funny when they have to deal with anything racy or off-color. They usually pretend they don't speak English.

My life is anything but typical.

I am a big 'Ellen' fan. I have been one for quite a long time now. I used to do the local news talk shows with her in San Francisco, when we were both still kids.

I think it is really sad that when people lose their homes they kind of lose their minds too.

I love animals.

I have 3 dogs myself - I actually have a kennel license in order to do so. I love them so much I couldn't imagine my life without them.

I think it is time for all babies to let us know who they want for president.

Babies got it going on!

I think the best way to get over your body issues is to just flaunt your body at every opportunity.

I think that all bodies are beautiful in millions of different ways but I get down on myself too!

We women are constantly at war with our bodies, it is hard to find amnesty for ourselves.