The fans want to see a conclusive finish. It's quite a brutal, barbaric sport and the people who watch it want to see someone out. That's what I do for a living.

I always like to get that finishing blow and satisfy the crowd.

You are either genetically tough or you're not.

There's weaknesses in every fighter.

I look back at the first Groves fight, and it was all so bad, so wrong. Everyone was telling me it was going to be easy, the bookies, everyone. Like an unprofessional fool, like an idiot, I listened to them. I didn't give myself the best possible chance.

You are never going to top boxing at Wembley stadium.

I'd love to box in Las Vegas - it's the fight capital in the world.

While I can fight, I will fight. When I can't walk straight or my hands are knackered, then you've got to turn it in.

As tired as I am, I can always go another round, and I feel the other guy can't.

I would have loved to have fought 15-rounders, because I always come on strong at the end.

I believe my grandma is watching over me and I draw strength from that.

It's questionable whether I believe in God or Jesus but I do believe in a spiritual world and some kind of afterlife.

When I won the title against Jean Pascal it also won me fight of the year.

I've even fought with a broken hand, against Brian Magee.

The only thing I miss is the actual fight night and the feeling of winning. I can say this with my hand on my heart, there is no greater feeling than standing victorious in the ring or in the case of my last fight, a stadium.

I've always been into sport, I watch all sport - I love golf, tennis, football and to me to box and have people in the arena cheering me on, I'll always miss that.

Boxing is a hurt game if you can't be at your best, can't be 100 per cent mentally and physically switched on to performing, to win titles, defend titles, defend yourself in the correct fashion, then I don't think you should fight.

I wear my heart on my sleeve and tell you how it is.

I don't tell lies. I don't need to.

I've been in the ring. I've fought in a title fight. I know what it is like to lose a fight. I know everything a fighter has been through.

I absolutely love boxing. I live and breathe it.

People can look at my style and my faults, point out all the things I didn't do as well as other fighters but I was never knocked out or stopped.

I did it the hard way, I fought everyone I could and I would not have it any other way.

I don't feel any remorse or guilt after a fight. I can sympathise with an opponent who is getting a beating, but if it is the choice between him and me, it's not gonna be me.