Who of us has not had that situation where you've got to wait for approval, and the doctor says, 'Well, I don't know if your insurance company is going to cover this?' Let's eliminate all of that.

Anti-Semitism is real in this country.

Generally speaking, the public appetite for criminal justice policy is just tough talk.

Mitt Romney subscribes to the cynical logic that says the American dream belongs to some of us but not all of us.

I'm prepared to say that law enforcement should be allowed to seize the guns of those who are suspected to be involved in domestic terrorism.

What we know is smartphones are everywhere and they are rich in data. What we know is that there are apps once downloaded by the consumer that will also in turn download the consumers' contact book. Most consumers don't want that to happen and don't know it's happening.

I support Medicare for all. It is my preferred policy.

Part of my focus on what we need to do around smart gun safety laws is recognize we have to have more enforcement around gun dealers.

If segregationists had their way, I would not be a member of the United States Senate today, I would not be a top contender to be president of the United States.

Sexism is real in this country.

'Getting smart on crime' does not mean reducing sentences or punishments for crimes.

I love being in a courtroom.

I've had the good fortune and blessing to run for the offices for which I really wanted to do the work.

We're talking about in the Proposition 8 case fundamental rights, civil rights. I offer no apology for the position I took in Prop. 8.

I grew up hearing stories about my grandmother - my mother's mother - who used to go to villages in India in her little VW bug. My grandmother would take a bullhorn and make sure women in these villages knew how to access birth control.

As a young prosecutor right out of law school at the Alameda County DA's office that Earl Warren once led, I started my work.

Every day there are homeowners in California who will either receive relief so they can stay in their home, or will be in the foreclosure process and potentially lose their home. And that always weighed heavily on my mind.

Lena Waithe won an Emmy for writing while starring on the Netflix show 'Master of None,' but it might be more accurate to call her a Master of Everything.

I've had the honor of speaking at many commencements.

I disagree with any policy that would turn America's back on people who are fleeing harm. I frankly believe that it is contrary to everything that we have symbolically and actually said we stand for.

I did not learn the flaws of the criminal-justice system in law school or college or by reading about it. I grew up knowing the flaws and how it was disproportionately impacting the black community. It's not academic for me.

Doing nothing while the middle class is hurting. That's not leadership. Loose regulations and lax enforcement. That's not leadership. That's abandoning our middle class.

As a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, I know that the men and women of our intelligence community put their lives on the line every day, and they do very dangerous work to keep our country safe.

Hate crime is not new in the United States.