A family shares hardships and a connected history.

I want to use my position of leadership to help move along at a faster pace what I believe and know the Obama administration wants to do around the urgency of climate change.

My mother cooked like a scientist. She had a giant Chinese-style cleaver that she chopped with, and a cupboard full of spices.

I understood that with the swipe of my pen as a prosecutor, I would have the decision in my pen to make a decision about someone's life.

I was standing on a ladder outside the Homestead juvenile immigrant detention center outside Miami, looking over the fence, and I saw children lined up like prisoners. They had been separated from their families and put in this private detention facility. It was horrible.

We don't want to promote any system that treats the fact that an individual is LGBT as a personality disorder. And anything that perpetuates that perception is harmful - not only to that member of the community but the entire community.

I think I have every piece of music Bob Marley ever made.

I think Hillary Clinton could do whatever she puts her mind to. I really do. She's incredibly dedicated to public service, she is smart as a whip, and she's effective.

I strongly believe that for serious and violent criminals, we must absolutely hold them accountable for their crimes and send them to prison.

The bells will ring and the marriages will begin. And it's a great day in our state for equal protection under the law for all people.

To be smart on crime, we should not be in a position of constantly reacting to crime after it happens. We should be looking at preventing crime before it happens.

In this great country, we celebrate success. We don't want to penalize those who have done well.

Let's be clear about this, and let's be clear: we should not be creating incentives to house people in prison. We should be creating incentives instead to shut the revolving door into prison.

We don't have to let extremists define us.

With the advent of DNA, we know that people have been convicted and sentenced to death who later proved not to be guilty of the crime.

To change criminal justice policy in any meaningful way means to propose changing a very longstanding system. It's not realistic to think you can do it overnight.

I'll be judged on the body of work and not the popularity of any one decision.

Racism is real in this country.

I do not believe that government should be in the business of telling women what they should do with their bodies.

I'm a career prosecutor. I have been trained, and my experience over decades, is to make decisions after a review of the evidence and the facts. And not to jump up with grand gestures before I've done that. Some might interpret that as being cautious. I would tell you that's just responsible.

I believe in that old adage that 'as goes California, so goes the country.'

I have loved to cook since I was a child in my mother's kitchen. If I don't have time to cook, I'll just read a cookbook.

I'm one of the luckiest people on earth.

There was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools and she was bused to school every day. That little girl was me.