What keeps me going is those cases, maybe ten a year, where I can make a difference.

Teach your daughters, teach your granddaughters, everybody has to have something that they're good at where they can earn a living.

Women make a terrible mistake because they usually are so desperate to nest that they pick on schlubs and worthless pieces of trash that they pick up in a bar.

Who is interested in that? Who is interested in the warm and fuzzy? There's enough warm and fuzzy on television.

Women watch and say, 'I like watching you control your own space. It's motivated me to do better, to go back to college, to even try law school. My daughter's been watching you since she's 10 - I love the fact that she's watching a strong woman who's in control.' All of those things are good, positive things.

It's nice to leave on top.

Cameras should be the norm everywhere. It should be in every courtroom so that the proceedings are taken down and recorded just like stenography.

People in the U.S. pay a great deal of money to support their judiciary, and they have an actual right to see how it functions.

Nothing in my early childhood suggested to anyone - except maybe my father - that one day I would be standing here and be known simply as Judge Judy.

I was an unremarkable student with passable looks and a direct personality.

Remember, a Trojan is more than a horse.

So we want to free the women of America? You know what would free the women of America? Make men accept responsibility for birth control.

Because of the world we live in, we lock the doors in our house when we go to sleep. If you live in an apartment, if you can, you get a building that has a doorman or security.

I exercise, and I eat reasonably, and I don't want to look at myself being out of shape. That would depress me.

I never don't have a good time. Even when I go to work with a cold or a sore throat, as soon as I hit the mark and walk out that door, everything else is gone, and I'm up.

I was a grown-up when 'celebrity' happened. So I knew exactly what it was like to be in line at a restaurant and watch someone famous walk in and get a table immediately. I knew I didn't like that; I don't want to make somebody else feel the way I felt.

I set realistic goals consistent with my talents. I never, for instance, wanted to sit on an appellate court. I'm not an academic. Truth be told, I hate to do research. I have a practical mind, and I was well suited for the trial court bench, not the appellate.

I still love working. I still love being in the mix of things.

This country has a wonderful spirit.

The reason that you have statutes of limitations is because evidence goes stale sometimes.

I don't read bad mail. I don't save mail. I'm too old to read negative things.

I was a sitting judge in Manhattan. I was a supervising judge in Manhattan, and they said to me, 'Did you ever think of doing what you do on television?'

I think that there is a difference between men and women as a warrior and a nurturer... It's innate.

While I sat in family court, I probably heard 20 or 25,000 cases. And I am sure, during the course of those cases, there were cases that I probably would've decided differently had I had either more time or been able to explore more. But all you can do as a judge is really give a case your best effort.