Long before I was Judge Judy, when I was an unknown worker bee, I usually got what I wanted.

If you're going to spend your time, spend your time getting smarter.

I don't like to watch train wrecks.

People are supposed to be responsible.

If you commit a crime, you maybe have to be haunted.

To be considered presidential timber, there has to be a measure in the way you present your argument.

I think that you're supposed to know when it's time to say goodbye.

I knew where people were sleeping in the hallways, you know, instead of doing their job. I knew what systems weren't working.

I think I'm a good fact finder.

It took them 13 years to get O. J. Simpson, but they got him. What goes around comes around.

All those good people huddling behind bars in gated communities - it's the wrong way round. The others should have the bars.

I started out in a two-room apartment in Brooklyn and thought, 'Never again.'

Being a TV star is a great gift. Everyone treats you royally.

I don't feel as if anything that has happened to me in my life was sidetracked because I was a woman.

My first husband is a lovely, lovely man, but he always viewed my job as a hobby, and there came a time where I resented that.

In too many ways, political correctness has been a bully.

I never had an issue with gender.

I was in the family court for 25 years. And having started a second career, having a second act when you were 52 was something that I never thought would happen to me.

I don't like to rule by committee. I like sort of an autocratic way of dealing with things.

People from Brooklyn grow up with a certain common sense. If it doesn't ring true, it's not true.

You should want to give something back.

If you can share with the people who've been good to you, do it.

I've had an absolutely magical run.

They will find somebody younger, somebody funnier, somebody more engaged. As long as the court genre is viable, people are going to be looking for someone to knock me off of my perch.