"You've got the top 400 Americans owning more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans. Most folks do not think that is right."

"Social Security is a promise that we cannot and must not break."

"Social Security has nothing to do with the deficit."

"CEOs of large corporations earn 400 times what their workers make. That is not what America is supposed to be about."

"The bottom line is that when Senator Inhofe says, 'Global warming is a hoax,' he is just dead wrong, according to the vast majority of climate scientists."

"I come from a rural state. People drive 50, 100 miles to and from work every single day. That is true all over America."

"I'm not a Democrat, I'm an Independent, but I caucus with the Democrats."

"I don't consider myself a pariah."

"I am sure that there are some single payer advocates who think the only thing worth fighting for is single payer."

"I think the American people in many cases want to transform our energy system."

"There is nobody that I know who believes that Bank of America is a human being who should be entitled for the same constitutional rights that the people of our country are."

"I thought the Bush economic policy was a disaster. We lost 500,000 private sector jobs during his tenure."

"Of course the Republicans have long wanted to privatize Social Security and destroy it. But Social Security has been the most important and valuable social program in the history of the United States."

"You want to know the way to raise money? Put a transaction fee on Wall Street, so maybe we can curb some of the speculation and raise some money."

"What the American people want to see in their president is somebody who not necessarily can win every fight, but they want to see him stand up and fight for what he believes, take his case to the American people."

"You know, let me be very clear. I supported Barack Obama originally."

"I'm not much into speculation."

"Let's be honest, dental care in America is extremely expensive, period."

"As a result of the digital age and the decline of first-class mail, there is no question that the Postal Service must change and develop a new business model."

"People don't trust private health insurance companies for all the right reasons."

"Ted Kennedy devoted his lifetime to protecting those most in need, and tens of millions of Americans have been the beneficiaries."

"For much of America, the all-American values depicted in Norman Rockwell's classic illustrations are idealistic. For those of us from Vermont, they're realistic. That's what we do."

"Private insurance companies in America are reaping huge profits."

"The right wing has monopolized the AM radio airwaves."