We are becoming a society where traditional values and free speech are being diminished and the religious are viewed as having a backward mentality.

Every woman should have access to quality health care and compassionate abortion alternatives.

With increasing poverty, welfare dependency and violence in the United States, religion and religious organizations have an important role to play combating societal problems.

Religions based on the principle of service and a focus on the less fortunate help a society deal with want.

Our veterans only deserve the highest standard of health care quality.

The Veterans Health Administration is a perfect case study of how government should stay out of patient care altogether.

We need to ensure that veterans are in charge of their health care and not the government.

The Veterans Health Administration's socialized style of medicine, where the government is in charge of the hospitals and managing our veterans' health care, simply does not work.

I have learned a valuable lesson from my own mother: Good nutrition starts in the home. In my home, it takes some negotiating: eat a vegetable and you may get a special treat. It seems to work for my five children.

As a working mother of a large family, preparing meals and shopping for groceries is time consuming and hard work.

Allowing flexibility to local school districts to set their own nutritional standards and having parents involved in the process is a win-win for the students.

The U.S. should not continue to ignore Latin America. Our nation shares regional and cultural ties with these neighboring countries.

The job of the press is to defend their institution, hold the government accountable and freely report and gather information.

We should not have to experience the fear of intimidation or retaliation in the United States.

I will tell my children that Mr. Trump fought for the little guy, for the mom and pop in Erie County who lost all hope. While Mr. Trump was far from perfect, he stood by people of faith who love America.

The government and politicians should listen to the people instead of preaching from their secular pulpits on how the rest of us should live our lives.

Solutions and ideas should come from the bottom up, generated by local communities and not mandated from Washington.

The Clintons engage routinely in corrupt practices, mixing their political power with their nonprofit work to make themselves rich, while not standing up for the little guy.

Hearing Mr. Trump in person, I finally understood why millions of voters, especially voters who have been ignored and left behind in this economy, connect with him.

While the United States is a prime example of fair elections, there is room for improvement, starting with passing voter identification laws across the country.

In public, Hillary Clinton talks about how she would represent all Americans and pushes the 'Stronger Together' campaign theme. But behind closed doors, there is no room for people of faith in her America.

Catholics and evangelicals should be troubled by Mrs. Clinton's hidden agenda to influence and alter the tenets of Christian and Catholic orthodoxy.

Would a President Hillary Clinton and her liberal allies suspend the tax-exempt status of churches deemed 'not friendly' to her administration? It is within the realm of possibility considering their hateful beliefs.

Installing an activist liberal majority on the Supreme Court will put religious liberties at risk for generations to come.