For television worth watching, Trump should debate Karl Rove, and both should be tasked with figuring out how to unite Republicans.

Obama and the liberal Democrats fail to represent the silent majority: the conservative women who are too busy raising families, paying bills, and making a living. These women prefer to listen to Rush Limbaugh, not Nancy Pelosi, and want their children to have jobs and a bright future in this great country.

Women do not want to be dependent on government but want opportunities for all Americans to succeed.

The Obama economy has led to more women dependent on government programs including food stamps.

President Obama should heed the advice of many of his own Democratic colleagues who have called the attacks 'nauseating' and 'unfair' and stay clear of criticizing Romney for his tenure at Bain Capital.

President Obama's assault on the free-enterprise market and venture capitalists is anti-American and shows his greatest insecurity: his lack of private sector experience and his inability to understand the economy and help businesses thrive in these uncertain economic times.

Even though voters overwhelmingly dislike negative ads, they do influence voters' opinions about a candidate.

One of the most overused phrases in political commentary is that someone is running a 'negative' campaign filled with 'attack' ads.

Conscientious conservatism includes responding to the needs and struggles of Americans with a responsible and efficient government and incorporating outside organizations that want to invest in the American people.

Republicans need to define and present specific policies on how to eradicate poverty, help every child achieve a quality education, and lower the cost of increasing health premiums.

Republicans can win if they adopt a message and promote policies of conscientious conservatism where they lay out a vision of how to solve our nation's problems, while at the same time push for a message of responsible and efficient government that focuses on accountability and results.

What hurts the GOP is when we have leaders placing the blame on other leaders within the party.

If Beyonce and Jay-Z had been born and raised in Cuba, they would have merely survived, with no opportunity to realize their aspirations. Only in a land that treasures liberty and the pursuit of happiness can such dreams become a reality.

Cuba is a nation stuck in time, and the regime's complete control of businesses, the press and the Internet has kept the Cuban people from advancing and achieving their dreams.

The Cuban people do not live in freedom.

Part of me believes that Beyonce and Jay-Z were naive when they chose to celebrate their five-year wedding anniversary in Cuba. However, as the daughter of a former political prisoner in Cuba, I would argue that they should have known better than to travel to the island and support its repressive regime.

Lower standards tell students that they don't need to work hard and leave more high school students unprepared for college and the workplace.

If the American people - pro-choice and pro-life - cannot agree with the basic concept that the life of a baby born alive following a botched abortion should be protected, then when do the rights of these babies begin?

A number of states are starting to strengthen their anti-abortion laws because the more we learn of abortion tactics the harder it is for Americans to support these inhumane procedures.

If President Obama were to enroll in an American government class, the professor would mark him absent on most days. In the first 100 days of his second term, the president has failed to show up to class, take notes and complete the daunting task of rising to the challenges facing him.

In the end, the responsibility of government abuse lies with the president.

I remember being one of those women who never imagined I would get married and have children. You ask any of my high school friends, and I would have been voted in the class to be the least likely to get married or have children.

I am a perfect case study for the transition from no maternal instinct to the love of motherhood.

Of course, deciding whether or not to have children is a personal decision, but I would encourage couples to stay open to the idea that having a child or adopting provides both personal and societal benefits.