Dysfunction in Washington has stalled any meaningful federal action on gun control. So it's increasingly up to big cities like New York to take bold steps to get weapons off our streets and change the national discourse.

The workers who get hurt by corner-cutting often do not realize they are being wronged. Even when they do, they do not have the support and resources to fight back. Without a union to stand behind them, these workers are forced to stay in bad jobs, or face no job at all.

Like with all other crime, we must, of course, treat the perpetrators of these actions as the criminals they are. But unlike with the vast majority of other crime, justice is not delivered simply by punishing the perpetrator. This is because the harm associated with domestic violence extends far beyond the point of contact.

Part of the reason why I wanted to be involved in politics was to create and be a part of policy changes.

The scales of justice often, in my head, are unbalanced. And so my job is to try to balance out those scales.

I come from a long line of very strong, tough women. We stick to our principles and stand up for what we believe in, which is fundamental fairness, which is my raison d'etre.

We have these events, 'Talk to Tish.' They're basically kitchen-roundtable discussions about issues in the City of New York, because you can learn more by listening.

All of my life and particularly throughout of my public career, I have been talking about the feminization of poverty. And one of the manifestations of the feminization of poverty is the issue of pay inequality in our society.

I've known struggle.

I come from humble beginnings myself.

I've got a moral center.

I've been independent all of my life.

When it comes to climate change and the environment, President Donald Trump is plain wrong.

New Yorkers would be shocked to learn of the conditions some construction workers in our city toil under.

We must simply do every single thing in our power to protect our children from abuse and help them live healthy, prosperous lives.

We have a moral responsibility to help veterans avoid homelessness and displacement.

Is truth about domestic violence and those who enable it more important than a company's corporate partnerships? I think so.

Without a doubt, the most fiscally responsible way to increase the number of officers on our streets is to mobilize uniformed officers in administrative jobs and to use civilian employees to fill those jobs.

More cops on our streets and in our neighborhoods mean safer streets and neighborhoods.

New York City must divest the hundreds of millions of dollars we have invested in Walmart for far too long, dollars that are only fueling violence and undermining the greater public interest. Once our nation's largest city does so, I know other states and municipalities will follow suit.

While New York City cannot prevent other jurisdictions from selling firearms, it has taken a powerful stance against guns by divesting pension funds from gun manufacturers.

It's clear that the NYPD has prioritized creating a force as diverse as the vibrant city it protects.

For generations America and its institutions have refused to acknowledge the true severity of the harm that domestic violence imposes on our society.

I say that our economic future is in the new technology that will lead to more fuel efficient cars and cleaner energy.