Children of domestic violence, of course, suffer terrible consequences.

As Public Advocate for the City of New York, I will be working with the Administration for Children's Services and others to bring about necessary reforms - and ensure that our city meets its most solemn responsibility - protecting the welfare of our children.

I just try to fight for the underdog, and try to fight for those who are locked out of the sunshine of opportunity.

Any district attorney knows that an endorsement from law enforcement unions is vital to earning voters' trust. As a result, police unions play an outsized role in district attorney elections.

As Public Advocate for the City of New York, I have a duty to speak truth to power and do what is best for our City and its residents.

Our system of government works best when there are checks and balances led by independent entities that are empowered to conduct fair and rigorous oversight. These are the same principles enshrined in the founding document of our country - our Constitution.

Home Stability Support is our best shot at creating an all-encompassing and effective system to ensure that our at-risk children and families can remain in the homes they deserve.

Telling the truth about domestic violence - and those who shield it - should not be punished.

Legally, many contractors are required to pay a prevailing wage. However, bad actors often find ways to get around this requirement.

We must stand vigilant to protect our voting access.

Gunfire tracking technology is improving every day and has been successful in many jurisdictions around the country.

I am proud of the advances we have made in New York where we have continued a legacy of substantive HIV/AIDS policy, but we must continue the fight to end the epidemic and ensure an AIDS-free generation.

Our schools should be sanctuaries of learning, not nightmares of cruel and racist behavior.

Some contractors force workers to provide paybacks to keep their jobs. Others intentionally misclassify workers in order to underpay them - by, for example, paying a skilled construction worker as a general laborer.

What's historically been referred to as 'gerrymandering' can more aptly be labeled an incumbent protection program.

Retirement shouldn't be making the choice between buying much-needed medication or putting food on the table; making the choice between heating an apartment in the cold winter months or paying rent; making the choice between paying a phone bill or seeing a doctor.

It is imperative that we set the national example and make it clear that companies seeking to do business in New York City cannot be allowed to treat their workers like second-class citizens.

The vast majority of our teachers, our principals and our PTAs are well informed and well meaning, but even those with the best intentions can benefit from cultural competency training.

The ADA prohibits discrimination and guarantees that people with disabilities receive the same opportunities as everyone else to participate in the mainstreams of American life, which includes participating in government programs and services.

No NYCHA resident should have to worry about the walk home at night through their neighborhood after they finish work. Yet for some NYCHA residents, worrying is a part of daily life.

Walmart markets its gun department as 'sports and outdoors,' but let us get one thing straight: They are not just selling hunting rifles.

I know what it's like to be on public assistance and to be unemployed. And I know what it's like to be evicted.

The Office of Attorney General should be independent and the Office of Attorney General should have the power to investigate without the approval of the governor of the state of New York. It's absolutely critically important.

I come from a family of eight on public assistance, my parents were separated. My mother struggled, my father struggled.