New York should be a place where everyone can afford to live.

The Internet serves as a channel of endless information through which individuals now access the news, employment opportunities, education, entertainment, etc.

Increases in stabilized rents impact rent stabilized tenants directly, but they also affect the affordability of all New Yorkers' rents.

Brown v. Board of Education was arguably the most important decision of the Supreme Court in the 20th century.

New York's buildings must be cleaner and more energy-efficient.

Each day, millions of police officers do the selfless work of putting their lives on the line to protect civilians, frequently responding to or preventing crises completely with no recognition.

Only when we ensure that the mistakes of our past are not the vision for our future, will we truly have achieved justice.

The NYPD has taken steps to engage marginalized communities and attempts to bridge gaps between these neighborhoods and those sworn to protect and serve them.

It is no secret that New York City has an affordable housing shortage. For those who've returned from the battlefield, the problem is even more pronounced.

For all the manufactured 'Republican versus Democrat' drama that dominates today's cable news and political rhetoric, the most striking feature of our present-day democracy is not partisan divide - it's a corrupt system that protects incumbents from the consequences that real democracy brings.

World Aids Day is both a day of remembrance and a day of hope.

The reality is that I've been counted out for a very long time and people continue to underestimate me and I continue to overperform.

I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth.

Human induced climate change is real, and the evidence is right in front of us. It threatens our shores. It promises to bring intense heat waves and powerful storms. It has the power to disrupt our economy, endanger our food supply, and imperil global stability. We must take action to stop it.

Voting is a fundamental right in our democracy.

There is room for growth in all of us and across all of these platforms, to be able to make sure that we are hearing each other, that we are understanding exactly what's going on across the country.

I like Colbert because he's funny, and he's cool. He knows how to have fun and doesn't stick his nose up to Fox.

I think Dr. King, if he were alive today, he wouldn't disrespect the flag or the anthem; he would use his words and his voice to send a message for positive change.

Can I just make a special request in the magic lamp? Can we get, like, Netanyahu or, like, Putin in for 48 hours, you know, head of the United States?

You have women that are political commentators that are talking about the elections, talking about the news of the day, and really helping shape how information is disseminated. I feel we're reaching a whole new audience, which is great to be able to bring in and encourage other young women to do this.

I want someone to be able to say, 'I relate to this person on The Five.' You feel like you belong. You kind of feel like it's family. They feel like they know us because we reveal so much about ourselves on the show.

'The Five' is so special is because we all have such diverse backgrounds. It's such a nice mix of men, of women, and the variety of where we come from, different walks of life, different occupations, and certainly different viewpoints. That's what makes it so unique.

I can never resist the good stuff: salami, pepperoni, you name it. I love it all.

This is a tough business, and you're asked to do a job. And part of doing that job is to rate and to do well and to perform, and at certain points, when people are unable to do the job they're hired to do, what happens is people are let go. Their contract is not renewed.