The moment we stop analyzing and let go, we can start really seeing, feeling – as one whole.

One great cause of failure is lack on concentration.

Anxiety is the gap between the “now” and the “then”. SO if you are in the “now”, you can’t be anxious, because your excitement flows immediately into ongoing spontaneous activity.

Just watch choicelessly and in the watching lies the wonder. It is not an ideal, an end to be desired. The watching is a state of “being” already, not a state of “becoming”.

Don’t think – feel. Feeling exists here and now when not interrupted and dissected by ideas or concepts.

Mans’s mind and his behavior are one, his inner thought and outer expression cannot contradict each other. Therefore a man should set up his right principle, and this right mind (principle) will influence his action.

Sincere thought means thought of concentration (quiet awareness). The thought of a distracted mind cannot be sincere.

Every man is what he is because of the dominating thoughts which he permits to occupy his mind.

To be on the alert means to be deadly serious; to be deadly serious means to be sincere to oneself, and it is sincerity that finally leads to the Way.

To bring the mind into sharp focus and to make it alert so that it can immediately intuit truth, which is everywhere, the mind must be emancipated from old habits, prejudices, restrictive thought process, and even ordinary thought itself.

The mind must be wide open in order to function freely in thought. For a limited mind cannot think freely.

All thought is partial, is can never be total. Thought is the response of memory, and memory is always partial, because memory is the result of experience; so thought is the reaction of a mind which is conditioned by experience.

Concentration is a narrowing down of the mind – but we are concerned with the total process of living, and to concentrate exclusively on any particular aspect of life, belittles life.

A concentrated mind is not an attentive mind, but a mind that is in a state of awareness can concentrate. Awareness is never exclusive, it includes everything.

Suffering itself does less afflict the senses than the anticipation of suffering.

When you are awake, you must be fully awake and conscious about everything. This is a wonderful exercise.

To understand and live now, there must be dying to everything of yesterday. Die continually to every gained experience – be in a state of choiceless awareness of what is.

The past is no more, the future is not yet. “Now” includes the balance of being here, experiencing, involvement, phenomenon, awareness.

The subconscious mind favors thoughts inspired by emotional feelings. It also gives preference to dominating thoughts.

It is the creative ability of a human being that separates him from all other animals.

I’m not the type of guy who can sit in the office doing the same routine day in and day out. I have to do something that is creative and interesting to me.

The more and more you are aware, the more and more you shed from day to day what you have learned so that your mind is always fresh, uncontaminated by previous conditioning.

The more and more you are aware, the more and more you shed from day to day what you have learned so that your mind is always fresh, uncontaminated by previous conditioning.

Be “self-aware” rather than a repetitious robot.