I never learned from a man who agreed with me.

The highest result of education is tolerance.

When a man seeks your advice he generally wants your praise.

Are you doing to make your obstacles stepping stones to your dreams, or stumbling blocks because unknowingly you let negativeness, worries, fear, etc., take you over?

To realize that it’s just an inconvenience, that it is not a catastrophe, but just an unpleasantness, is part of coming into your own, part of waking up.

No accidents are so unlucky but that the wise may draw some advantage from them; nor are there any so lucky but that the foolish may turn them to their own prejudice.

Sincere and serious learners are difficult to come by. Many of them are five minute enthusiasts, some of them come in with ill intentions, but unfortunately, most of them are second-hand artists; basically conformers.

Don’t be forecasting evil unless it is what you can guard against. Anxiety is good for nothing if we can’t turn it into a defense.

There is an awareness without choice, without any demand, an awareness in which there is no anxiety; and in that state of mind there is perception. It is the perception alone that will resolve all your problems.

With adversity you are shocked to higher levels, much like a rain storm that is so violent, but yet afterwards all plant grows.

One must not merely copy but try to convey the significance of what you see.

If you are in the now, you are inventive.

I never wanted a job in an office or any job that I had to work eight hours a day at – day in and day out. I don’t think I could have stood it.

Logic’s central problem is the distinction between correct and incorrect argument.

One should get rid of this obtruding self – or ego-consciousness – and apply himself to the work to be done as if nothing particular were taking place at the moment.

Philosophy is itself the disease for which it pretends to be the cure: the wise man does not pursue wisdom but lives his life, and therein precisely does his wisdom lie.

When my tutor assisted me in choosing my courses, he advised me to take up philosophy because of my inquisitiveness. He said, “philosophy will tell you what man lives for”.

So it is a successful combination of both. It is not pure naturalness, or pure unnaturalness. The ideal is unnatural naturalness or natural unnaturalness.

Here is natural instinct, and there is control. You are to combine the two in harmony. If you have one to the extreme you will be very unscientific; if you have another to the extreme, you become a mechanical man, no longer human being.

In a time when everything goes well, my mind is pampered with enjoyment, possessiveness, etc. Only in times of adversity, privation, or mishap, does my mind function and think properly of my state. This close examination of self strengthens my mind and leads me to understand and be understood.

As for the future, that is a time and a place where every worthy ambition you posses is within your grasp.

The present? Well, think of it in terms of challenges and opportunities, and the rewards available for the application of your talents and energies.

To understand your fear is the beginning of really seeing.

There is no need to exert oneself in special cultivation outside the daily round of living.