I think you just have to keep knocking down doors, you have to keep being aggressive, and even if somebody says 'No', then you have to knock on the next door.

Because if you're going to lose, lose. I'm serious.

If the community is happy, then they support your business and if your business is doing well, then you can give back even more to the community.

If you're a competitive person, that stays with you. You don't stop. You always look over your shoulder.

If people around you aren't going anywhere, if their dreams are no bigger than hanging out on the corner, or if they're dragging you down, get rid of them.

You can't get AIDS from a hug or a handshake or a meal with a friend.

If you want someone to be your mentor, you better be ready to listen and be humbled.

If you hate to lose, you do whatever you need to do to make sure you're business is successful.

Larry, you only told me one lie. You said there will be another Larry Bird. Larry, there will never, ever be another Larry Bird.

I'm from there. You know, when you grow up with these people and see them every day and then you look at the numbers... it was easy; it was a no-brainer. And when Sony took a look, it was a no-brainer to them, too.

You don't have to be Magic to be special. You're already special, you're you.

If you want to be successful, you have to be willing to use every connection you’ve got.

You either have to be great or you have to be bad to get a good pick.

I tell you, it's funny because the only time I think about HIV is when I have to take my medicine twice a day.

Brains are an asset, if you hide them.

You can do what you want, but saving love doesn't bring any interest.

Men are all alike - except the one you've met who's different.

You may admire a girl's curves on the first introduction, but the second meeting shows up new angles.

I see you're a man with ideals. I better be going before you've still got them.

No one can have everything, so you have to try for what you want most.

No one can have everything, so you have to try for what you want most.

Everyone has the right to run his own life- even if you're heading for a crash. What I'm against is blind flying.

JUDGE: Are you trying to show contempt for this court? MAE WEST: I was doin' my best to hide it.

Keep a diary and one day it'll keep you.