Do not allow to slip away from you freedoms the people who came before you won with such hard knocks.

I can't bear art that you can walk round and admire. A book should be either a bandit or a rebel or a man in the crowd.

It is a fine thing to establish one's own religion in one's heart, not to be dependent on tradition and second-hand ideals. Life will seem to you, later, not a lesser, but a greater thing.

Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.

Every actor has a strength, and sometimes you just respond to things that you see yourself better at. I'm aware of what I can and can't do.

A kid is something precious, and you want to protect it and keep it fun. I'm not a dad, but I've seen people and how they behave with their kids.

Some of my favorite movies are action movies. You want something good to say. That comes from good writing. But writing is not a skill I possess, unfortunately.

Human nature says that you want a bargain, whether you want the goods or not. You think that something is a steal, you'll buy it.

Each director maintains a different personality. Either you get along, or you don't.

And if people come up and say they like the movies you're in, it's a great compliment.

People take chances every now and then, and you don't want to disappoint them.

Depending on the season, you'll find me outdoors doing an activity.

Nuclear apocalypse - who do you need? Actors are probably not top of the list. What can I do for you? I can pretend to be somebody who can grow you some nice crops.

I like the idea of movies having a magic element. How many times have you seen an actor in a movie who you know only as the character? It's wonderful, isn't it?

Graffiti is one of the few tools you have if you have almost nothing. And even if you don't come up with a picture to cure world poverty you can make someone smile while they're having a piss.

Become good at cheating and you never need to become good at anything else.

If you want to say something and have people listen then you have to wear a mask. If you want to be honest then you have to live a lie.

It's a very frustrated feeling you get when the only people with good photos of you work are the police department.

If at first you don't succeed, Call an airstrike.

Only when the last tree has been cut down and the last river has dried up will man realise that reciting red indian proverbs makes you sound like a fucking muppet.

I could sit in a pub and tell you all the things that are written in this book but you wouldn't fucking listen.

You see, the fact is that the strongest man upon earth is he who stands most alone.

What good would that ever do me if you were gone from this world, as you say? Not the slightest.

You have made an empty place within me; and I must try to fill it up with something—with something that is a little like love.