On weekends, I do brunch at home: whole grain bagels, lox, avocado, eggs, and organic bacon.

I don't believe in depriving myself; it's an unhealthy state of mind.

I train a lot of celebrities, including a lot of women who work for Victoria's Secret as Angels.

Ballet was just something that I always wanted to do.

The muscles that are used in Ballet Beautiful are similar to those used in classic ballet. They're also muscles that don't get used very often, which is why it burns so much.

Ballet targets smaller muscles that you don't often use - instead of working your quads, it works the inside and the back of your leg.

A lot of fitness has that very masculine energy and drive, and that never worked for me. I want to be challenged. I don't want to be told that I'm terrible and that I suck and that I'm not good enough - that's not motivating.

I'm very sensitive to salt. I always see and feel a big difference in my body when I eat it, so I try to consume salt in moderation.

Rather than thinking about what not to eat, I like to focus on what I can eat to look and feel my best.

A lot of fitness is about contractions - you're doing squats, or you're on a bike and your knees are bending but never stretching all the way, so your muscles get strengthened but look short and thick.

A simple ballet wrap sweater heats the back muscles but is easy to put on or take off without disturbing a dancer's makeup or hair before a performance or during a workout.

A few times a week, I'll put on La Roche-Posay's Active C Facial Moisturizer. That's probably my favorite cream. It clears up my skin a bit and provides more of an anti-wrinkle element.

Generally speaking, I love a workout that includes stretching and toning exercises for legs and core on the mat paired with ballet-inspired cardio and Barre exercises to get the heart rate up and take the results to the next level.

For a ballerina, the worst thing imaginable is big thighs.

To look and feel your best, it's essential to work out, eat well, and make sure that you are also drinking plenty of water and getting enough sleep.

I'll buy a special occasion dress even if I don't know when or where I'll wear it.

Ballet can be hard on your joints, and when you're on a movie set doing take after take, it can become really repetitive.

When you're wearing pointe shoes, honestly, they hurt - a lot - every day.

Nail polish is like the icing on the beauty cake.

Carrying a baby is such hard work, I've found that the stronger I am, the better I feel.

I like to think that when you take care of yourself, when you do nice things for yourself, it has a nice ripple effect on the rest of the world.

For a ballerina, the center of balance is everything - creating a strong center of balance begins with building strong abdominal muscles.

Most of the time, even if I'm at home in my sweatpants, I probably have a pair of slippers on.

Even if it's snowing or raining, I'm always wearing sunscreen.