I think being in the right mindset is a huge challenge for women, who often take an all-or-nothing approach to working out or eating well.

In yoga, you hold the positions, whereas in dance, you're constantly moving, extending, reaching through the legs and arms, which helps build long, lean muscles as opposed to shorter, tighter ones.

With ballet, you're really focused on the inner thigh and butt and just lifting and lengthening everything, including your arms. You're not using weights, but holding up the weight of your own arms is a challenge.

The idea for 'Ballet Baby' started when I was going through my own pregnancy.

I don't let my wardrobe dictate my diet.

Making fitness a priority will energize you, make you look and feel better, and help diffuse stress.

Because I dieted so much in the past, I just can't diet again. It's something I don't want to do and I don't even know if I am capable of. I think it's a much healthier and happier way to live.

I love white linens and walls mixed with antique Victorian furniture.

Ballet Beautiful is a workout that transforms the body without overtaxing the system or joints.

Ballet Beautiful is about finding balance and making fitness a part of your life in a happy, healthy, rewarding way where you get to feel pretty and look beautiful. It's not about beating yourself up in the gym and locking yourself in a dark room with blasting music.

The image of a pregnant woman embracing her figure and really putting it out there can be scary to some people, but I don't let that stand in my way, and I don't think other women should either.

You won't find me in a sports bra and low-slung leggings.

I've found the entire process of being pregnant to be such a miraculous, beautiful time.

I like to customize my tights by cutting them myself to create a stirrup or convert the look into a capri.

Generally, I snack on lots of fresh fruit and raw nuts, such as almonds.

I'm from North Carolina, so I am really picky about my fried chicken.

I love nuts and popcorn with olive oil and sea salt.

I had the opportunity to train with Natalie Portman for 'Black Swan,' and the program we created was intense and involved a lot of travel.

Mid-afternoon, I snack on Greek yogurt with nuts or a green juice from Juice Press.

I love berries, greens, and salmon.

I launched Ballet Beautiful not long after finishing at Columbia and met Natalie Portman shortly after. We began training and preparing her for her role in 'Black Swan.' From there, I continued to build and expand the method itself along with the business, always looking for ways to share the workout with others around the world.

When you work out a lot, it's so important to eat the right foods.

Working out should be empowering! It should make you look and feel strong, elegant, healthy - the best possible version of you.

For ballet dancers, style is about melding personal expression with physical form.