There are two types of women out there: there's the kind of woman who finds something nice and likes to keep it to herself, and then there's the other type, which is me, who wants to share.

I have no time for women who don't support other women. It's the ultimate compliment when a woman tells you that you look good.

Antonio Berardi is one of my good friends.

The first dress that I wore in the Spice Girls, which everybody thought was a little black Gucci dress, was actually from Miss Selfridge - it wasn't a little black Gucci dress.

Was music my talent really? No, I don't think I was particularly talented.

The whole European Federal plan is ridiculous. We are patriotic. The single currency is an outrage. We want the Queen's head - or the King's head, if we have a king - on our own coins.

The Euro-bureaucrats are destroying every bit of national identity and individuality.

I just can't do heels any more. At least not when I'm working. I travel a lot.

I do like to make things difficult for myself and my team, just from taking on a challenge, if you like.

It's always so difficult when you've left your kids to go to work every day - you want people to like it. I just agonise over it, but I'm obsessive because I love what I do.

I really am into crystals. I'm a real positive thinker. I believe in creative visualisation.

The glass is always half full: I have no time for anything negative - and actually, I've bought crystals for all my team, so they all carry crystals as well.

I can't concentrate in flats.

If you can get your head around your dream it means your dream isn't big enough.

If I set my mind to something I do it. My biggest wish for all of us is that we are happy, successful, and that we stay true to ourselves.

I can live with my own mistakes. I can't live with anybody else's.

I think the sexiest thing about a woman is confidence, but confidence in a humble way, not in an arrogant way.

I am eating more. I think you do eat more when you're working out. And you want to eat healthily, so it's good all round.

And while everybody was busy laughing, what was I doing? I was laying the foundation to what I have in place now.

I've always been a worker. I've never expected be given anything.

I don’t follow fashion and I don’t follow trends, I just follow my instincts...

I read once that elegance is a privilege of age. I thought, that's so true. You get more comfortable with yourself as you get older.

He (David Beckham) does have a huge one, though. He does. You can see it in the advert. It is all his. It is like a tractor exhaust pipe!

I'm still me even after all that's happened.