I don't have a nanny or a housekeeper, and I only have a cleaner for one hour each week. I finish work and go home. I cook the dinner. I run into Tesco and do the housework in the evening.

Everyone's showing their thong out the back of their jeans. But you shouldn't wear any. You get a better line if you wear no knickers.

I'm not one of these people that needs to feel loved. I don't need to see my picture everywhere.

Drink whatever you like, just so long as it coordinates with your nail varnish.

It is dog friendly nail polish, before we even go there because I know that is an issue. She's a bulldog, she needs all the help she can get. We've tried to feminize her a little bit and make her feel sexy!

I’m a gay man in a woman’s body.

I don't have any issues with my age.

When I'm lying in bed I think about the next collection. That makes me sound insane, doesn't it? That I'm getting into bed with David Beckham and thinking about clothes.

The tusk is a very tactile shape, looks great among the other charms and is a cool piece that I like.

Sometimes it's frustrating if I'm out with the kids and have to deal with the paparazzi. That comes with it though. But it was fun becoming famous. I mean, I even wanted to one of the kids in FAME when I was growing up.

Some people aren't satisfied that I'm a gay man in a woman's body and swear that I'm secretly a real boy.

Fame is not like a jacket. You can't put it on and then take it off.

I don't wear heels every day, but when I'm out, that's how I feel confident.

I'm not worried about what's in fashion, what's not in fashion, what are the colors of the season. I go with my gut instinct because every time I haven't it's been a mistake.

More than anyone, I am aware of the preconceptions. I was a Spice Girl. I'm married to a footballer.

“Fine clothes may disguise, but silly words will disclose a fool”

“The profligacy of a man of fashion is looked upon with much less contempt and aversion, than that of a man of meaner condition.”

That's gotta be the one remaining constant - jeans have gotta be tight, baby.

It's actually a character choice for a movie I've been filming in South Korea called Okja. My director had this idea of having my hair be a very vibrant red/pink/watermelon color. We haven't finished filming so I'm kind of riding the wave of the red hair right now in terms of everything else that I have to do with The Last Tycoon press and you know, regular life. I'm really loving it. It's turning into a thing for me.

My fashion is part of who I am, and though I was not born with these clothes on, I was born this way.

I'd wear any of my private attire for the world to see. But I would rather have an open flesh wound than ever wear a band aid in public.

I would like to be a one-man multinational fashion phenomenon.

Fashion is about two things: the evolution and the opposite.

Fashion is neither moral or immoral, but it is for rebuilding the morale.