Fashion is about going ahead, not about memory.

Fashion is ephemeral, dangerous and unfair.

I don't like standard beauty - there is no beauty without strangeness.

Fashion and music are the same, because music express its period too.

When people want to be liked for what they did, they should stop.

Reinvent new combinations of what you already own. Improvise. Become more creative. Not because you have to, but because you want to. Evolution is the secret for the next step.

Buy what you don’t have yet, or what you really want, which can be mixed with what you already own. Buy only because something excites you, not just for the simple act of shopping.

Fashion does not have to prove that it is serious. It is the proof that intelligent frivolity can be something creative and positive

Like poetry, fashion does not state anything. It merely suggests

New clothes are a great way to deal after a breakup. A good mix CD also helps you get through it and... you know, 72 hours of ice cream.

But you see, that's the gilded prison of fashion. We're riding in private jets, and meantime I was so incredibly, painfully sad and lonely.

"I don't wear fur and I understand their cause. I am the biggest animal lover in the world. I have four dogs and two horses, and I have rescued animals all my life."

"Brazil has its own fashion identity. Many very talented Brazilian designers show every season at Sao Paulo and Rio fashion weeks."

"I was slicking my hair back when I was in sixth grade."

"Just wearing all black comes from Johnny Cash. I'm on the road so much that if I wear all black, my clothes never get dirty. You can't tell if I've worn the same shirt twice."

"I hate picking out clothes."

"He was one of the numerous and varied legion of dullards, of half-animated abortions, conceited, half-educated coxcombs, who attach themselves to the idea most in fashion only to vulgarize it and who caricature every cause they serve, however sincerely."

"Don't bend; don't water it down; don't try to make it logical; don't edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly."

"So come on out, my dear old sweet Sister, - & we'll open our oysters together."

"If you wear a short enough skirt, the party will come to you."

"It is difficult, if not impossible, for most people to think otherwise than in the fashion of their own period."

"A fashion is nothing but an induced epidemic."

"Fashions are the only induced epidemics, proving that epidemics can be induced by tradesmen."

"Fashions, after all, are only induced epidemics."