Turn up your hearing aid 'Grandpa', because I'm only going to say this once!

I listened a little to punk when I was younger, but it was straight edge punk. It was nothing like what is going on now, like poppy punk.

If we play to first time Blink 182 listeners, it's good they are listening to us and not the Backstreet Boys. Old Fans or new fans, it's all the same to us.

If, after hearing my songs, just one human being is inspired to say something nasty to a friend or, perhaps to strike a loved one, it will all have been worth the while.

If after hearing my songs just one human being is inspired to say something nasty to a friend or perhaps to strike a loved one it will all have been worth the while.

Listening doesn't mean trying to understand. Anything, however trifling, may be of use one day. What matters is to know something that others don't know you know.

When you hear that you're going to be working with a first-time director, sometimes that can be a concern to people.

Moreover, I have heard that those who are fond of praising men to their faces are also fond of damning them behind their backs.

“A slow and heavy step, which had been heard upon the stairs and in the passage, paused immediately outside the door. Then there was a loud and authoritative tap.”

“We rarely hear, it has been said, of the combinations of masters, though frequently of those of workmen. But whoever imagines, upon this account, that masters rarely combine, is as ignorant of the world as of the subject.”

I have a fond place in my heart for Seattle, so I hope that an NBA team comes back to this great city, this great sports city.

We have to be very careful about what we say out there to the masses in the entertainment industry because people are listening to every word, and they take it to heart.

"Forest, I fear you! In my ruined heart your roaring wakens the same agony as in cathedrals when the organ moans and from the depths I hear that I am damned."

"We have heard time and time again in the course of our work how talking can help heal the hidden challenges we can't deal with alone."

"I can't worry about what other people are saying about me. At the end of the day, it's just their opinions, but if I said I don't hear it, or it doesn't bother me a little bit, I'd be lying to you."

"It bothers me to hear people talk about things they know nothing about."

"As a good player in the inner city, you're always hearing people saying that you're better than you really are and that you don't have to do things like everybody else."

“An appreciative listener is always stimulating.”

“Poets are not so scrupulous as you are. They know how useful passion is for publication. Nowadays a broken heart will run to many editions."

“With all that we hear of American hustle and hurry, it is rather strange that Americans seem to like to linger on longer words.”

Real change in the world will only come from a change of heart.