When you win everything is great but when you're losing nobody wants to know you - except for the people that really love you.

It's a beautiful sport, boxing, when you're winning and everything is going well but when you hit the lows it really upsets you.

Bruce Lee was my inspiration when I was growing up and I used to watch 'Enter The Dragon.' No one could sit me still and I was non-stop hyperactive doing karate moves in the house.

In boxing, some fighters let the occasion get to them and they let their opponent get to them. With me, it's just another day at the office.

When I was drinking I was thinking I was having a good time but it came back twice as bad, the depression. It was just a vicious circle - drinking, not caring about myself - and it gave me a bad low.

If I get beaten I can walk away with my head high, knowing I have given everything.

I want to go down, like my hero Sugar Ray Robinson, in history.

I haven't got years and years left so I want to compete against the best.

If I could have my dream fight, it would be an Errol Spence rematch.

I'm the Terminator and I'm back. I'm here to stay.

I did speak to a counsellor after hitting rock bottom. It really did help, talking to somebody that didn't know me and just pouring my heart out to them in a few sessions.

I saw many people talk about how I would avoid Errol Spence. They don't know me, they don't know what I'm about.

I've had X-rays on both eyes, the bone has grown back and I have plates over each one, so I'm like a Terminator now and ready to walk through walls.

There have been some dark times. But what I've realised is that I love this sport.

People have seen I've got a big heart in there and I'm willing to fight with the biggest punchers.

Rabchenko is a dangerous guy, he's no mug and he can really bang.

I'm not usually a drinker.

I can't really explain how high the feeling was winning that world title in California with my family watching me.

I'd like a big fight in America, it would cap off my career in a great way.

I have realised I have been cheating myself and it is me who pays for it. So I am going to give myself the best opportunity to give my all. It's me who walks in my shoes.

Amir Khan is a very good fighter, but he has been knocked out a few times when he has stepped up.

If someone said to me you can get five million quid, a world title, fight at Wembley with a fight that every fan wants to see, it's a no-brainer for me.

I know it's near the end and when it's over I want to be able to say to myself - not anyone else - that I've given it everything. At least in the last part of my career.

Two-time world champion - that's my goal.