It's always tough to stay at the top for so long.

The pressure was huge going into London, definitely.

There have been a lot of challenges over the years that I have overcome.

I don't even wear miniskirts on a night out, so I definitely won't be wearing miniskirts in the ring.

I can definitely box on the front foot as well as the back foot. I don't think that's really an issue.

I don't feel much pressure at all. I have great family support, and they take a lot of pressure off me. They help to control media and public interest.

Sometimes, the plans in your heart aren't God's plan.

The heaviest I've ever been is 65 kilos. That was during my Leaving Cert when I was just studying and eating chocolate.

Age is a chronological number. That's all. There is plenty of time for my life afterwards. I'm still a young woman.

I go into every fight trying to win as easy as I can.

I always go into a fight thinking the decision is going to be fair, and I relish these fights where the atmosphere is so fantastic.

I think it's important to feel those losses because I never want to feel like that again.

I know how it feels to lose.

I could have 10 kids or be boxing until I'm 40.

I have stayed positiv,e and I believe I am still improving in every competition I enter.

As long as I still feel a passion for the sport and preparing for these big competitions, I will carry on fighting.

The best boxers don't always qualify for the Olympics. You can easily have a bad day, but please God, that won't happen to me.

There is an awful lot of pressure on me.

I'm the one that everyone is trying to beat.

There's a lot of people on the way up who want to take my place, so it's up to me to continue to improve.

I am European Games champion now as well as Olympic champion, European champion, and world champion.

I became number one just after the World Championships in India. I was very young then, and I remember it was just a great feeling, my first World Championship.

Every fight has been hard. Every world title I've won has been hard fought, and every European title I've won has been hard fought as well.

No world championship has been easy for me.