I want to tell girls, it's not about make-up and how you look that's important; you are so much more than how you look.

I've had losses in my career before, and I've always come back stronger from those losses.

When you're so consistent, people have to stand up and take notice. I don't think people recognise or praise consistency enough.

I wouldn't be where I am without my dad. He's a genius.

It's the training that's the hardest. It's the preparation. The months and months of preparation that nobody really sees, that's the hardest part.

I owe so much to my dad and what he has done for me. And it's hard work doing what he has done, so he's entitled to a break.

I have a lot of confidence in myself, and I love that challenge as well. I love going to every competition as the favourite. It's something I relish.

I want to go down in the history books as one of the greatest female boxers of all time, and I think I'm on the right path.

People say, 'You will be 30 years old; you're too old. You'll get your nose broke,' say dad's a pushy dad. You hear stupid things and put them out of your mind.

I'd like to thank everyone for all their support and prayers. I'm so humbled by that.

My training diet can be quite strict when I'm coming up to competition; it's a weight-making sport, of course. But I eat quite healthily anyway, and it's less strict when out of competition.

I work out five to six times a week.

For someone my size, it's difficult to be inconspicuous.

I was a little nervous at my first match, but I think I did OK. I went home after the match and watched the tape of it over and over. I wanted to do it again.

The great thing about libertarianism is it really is the American dream: It's the ability of everybody to live their life and build their life according to what they want, so long as they don't hurt anybody else.

I've been very fortunate that I haven't gotten injured a bunch. I try to take care of myself. I think, too, my size gives me an advantage in some ways.

In the end, Kane will be remembered as a character I played on TV. In that respect, I want people to remember me for more than that.

I think what The Rock has been able to accomplish has been amazing. He has just done a phenomenal job in all of the movies he has been in.

I have always taken everything as it comes and tried to stay in good shape.

I think the key to the longevity is being able to reinvent yourself and to adopt and incorporate different things into your character.

I think sometimes we put blinders on and define our personas very narrowly and are afraid to step outside the comfort zone - something I've never been afraid to do.

Knox County, Tennessee, is a great place to live, work, and raise a family.

Freddy Krueger was one of my childhood heroes.

I personally hate psychiatrists. When I was a kid, I saw quite a few of them, and they ruin everything.