People need to get out and do some more exercise, especially children who are stuck inside with computers.

God is my psychologist. And my dad is probably the best sport psychologist in the world.

I think, probably, my best asset would probably be my all round game.

I never think too far ahead.

I don't really change much; there's not much I can do about the judging in front of a home crowd.

I want to leave a great legacy behind me and continue to win major championships.

I'm in the public eye. I'm recognised a small bit more. That's part and parcel of it.

I'm a huge fan of Conor McGregor, an incredible athlete. What he has done for MMA is phenomenal; he has been a great supporter of me.

I'm honoured and delighted to be named the 'Irish Times'/Irish Sports Council Sportswoman of the Year 2014. This has been an amazing year for me and for Irish women in sport, and I would like to congratulate all the finalists in their respective fields who have excelled at major sporting events.

The Olympics is a dream of mine.

The thing with professional boxing is you have to have the right promoter and the right fights. It is a cut-throat business.

I tend to think year-by-year and tournament-by-tournament.

There's not a lot of positive role models of women in newspapers and magazines. I think it puts pressure on girls. They think that the image put out, it's the way you have to look.

The Bible is my sport psychology manual.

I'm just sorry I couldn't come home with a second Olympic gold medal.

We do the weigh-in, then go for a walk, then have breakfast, then I listen to worship songs on my iPod because I'm a Christian. I always read the same Bible verses, too. We do the same warm-up a lot of the time as well. But, I have no superstitions before a fight.

I always feel like the freshest boxer going into competitions.

With amateur boxing, you're just entered into a competition. And to be the best, you've got to beat the best. You're not waiting around to get these fights organised.

It's great to be boxing a local boxer. The atmosphere is always fantastic. I love those fights. I really relish those fights.

I know MMA isn't for everyone. It is a combat sport; some people don't like watching it, but it is entertainment for some people.

I never think about losing. That's why it's so hard to accept a loss.

I've boxed many people in their own backyard plenty of times - in China, I boxed a Chinese girl in the final of the world championships, and I've boxed Russians before in their home nation as well.

I'm in a privileged position, but I still feel like the best is yet to come, and people still haven't seen the best of me yet, and that is so exciting for me.

I'm not going to be boxing forever, but I've put no time-cap on it, really.