I've broken my hand, I threw my back out once, and then I've had some pretty bad cuts, but that's been about it. I've been able to avoid most of the really, really bad injuries and career-ending injuries.

The thing about WWE that is so awesome is the global reach.

I looked in the mirror and saw a lot of stuff, but 'movie star' was never one of them.

All of us are born with certain gifts, and the secret to success is figuring out what your gift is and using it in a way that benefits others.

My first few years, I'd make maybe $10 for a match. Sometimes I wouldn't even get paid at all, but we were all in it because we loved it.

I think it's incumbent upon elected officials to make sure that, if we're going to demand more tax money from people, that we use it in a productive manner and not just say, 'This is what we're going to use it for,' and then they find out that it was used for something else and sometimes something very frivolous.

At the federal level, as a member of Congress, you have one vote out of 435, and in the Senate, it's one out of 100. So, the ability to get some stuff done exists as a much larger opportunity at a local level than in the federal government.

I think Trump's done a very good job, especially with the economy, and we see he's cut regulation, I think the tax cuts really help spur some growth.

Undertaker, for almost as long as many of us have been watching WWE, he's been part of it.

In the political realm, when I say I'm going to give everything, that means I'll represent the people to the best of my ability.

The politician is your best friend - he always wants to be there when he's asking for your vote. But then, often, he doesn't have time for you when he gets into office. To me, it's the opposite. They should listen to you more when they're actually in office.

I was intimidated when I started with WWF. I would see all these people I used to watch on TV, and I thought, 'Wow! Look at them.'

People all the time come up and ask how we do this or how we do that, and there isn't any secret to it. You're just getting bashed with something, and you're either a man and you take it, or you're not. People don't realize the toughness of WWE superstars.

I'm not a big fan of spiders and snakes and worms and stuff like that, but they don't really creep me out.

Anyone who's been in the WWE for an extended period of time has to be able to do different things. Eventually, a character gimmick is going to get old and stale. And, when it does, if that's all you can do, you're done.

There are things that I can agree with from both sides: perhaps the civil libertarian issues of the Left and also the economic freedom issues of the Right while still rejecting the big-government tendencies of both sides of the political spectrum.

I'm not sure what the average career span of a WWE superstar is, but I've exceeded that by a long way.

I believe that the Kane/Undertaker story, if you look at epic storytelling like Greek mythology, that is what it is. It is the best piece of epic storytelling that the WWE has ever done.

The Ledbetter Act is aimed at equality. But individuals are not equal. We all have different talents, resources, interests, abilities, educations, and backgrounds.

I have been around a long time and shared some very elite company.

Wrestling is a lot like any other workplace. You don't really talk religion or politics. But we are all independent contractors, so we pay our taxes quarterly. And we talk about taxes.

Kane dons the mask because he is horribly disfigured, unstable, mentally insane and crazy, so I thought it would basically look like he had escaped from an institution. Then, I get the creative for the costume, and it looked like a superhero.

When you ask someone for their vote, you are asking them to place their confidence in you as the steward of the community, so it was humbling that people placed their faith and trust in me.

In my primary, I only won by 23 votes in that one, so every vote really does count, and I want to make sure I get as many as I possibly can.