My most memorable WrestleMania ever was my first: at WrestleMania 14 in Boston against The Undertaker. That was a huge high point in my career and an absolute highlight of my career.

Honestly, I think we in the WWE are very underrated as performers. What we do would be very difficult for even an experienced actor. To go out and sometimes have 15 minutes of verbiage, sometimes have to ad-lib and then, of course, have other variables such as the interaction with the audience, it can be challenging.

By mandating equal pay, the government erases the competitive advantage of those people who are willing to take less pay. In addition, employers are less willing to hire employees who they believe could subject them to increased liability.

When I think about it, 20 years really seems like a blink of an eye sometimes. I wish I would have made a more concerted effort to enjoy things along the way.

Social studies was my favorite subject. I remember I portrayed Walter Mondale in a mock debate in my sophomore social studies class.

Kane and Glenn Jacobs are two separate entities, you know.

I'll admit, when I look back on the past couple decades, a lot of it seems like a blur.

Employment is a contract between an employer and an employee. Thus, laws prohibiting discriminatory pay are an infringement on private contracts.

My favorite movie of all time is 'The Silence of the Lambs.' I think Hannibal Lecter is the scariest movie monster ever because he's smarter than you are.

I grew up in rural Missouri about two hours north of St. Louis, and if the wind was blowing right on a Saturday night, I could catch All Star Wrestling out of Kansas City, which was run by Bob Geigel, and some of the stars there were Bulldog Bob Brower and Ray Candy.

I was taught, growing up, that there are two ends of the political spectrum: left and right. But there's so much more than that. For me, it's about liberty versus authoritarianism.

The role in 'See No Evil,' Jacob Goodnight, was perfect for me, so if I got the opportunity to do that again, I certainly would consider that.

Pursue your dreams but have a backup plan.

I actually care about things, and I care about people.

I'm a good, upstanding guy with moral values and core values.

You don't have to be outlandish and saying crazy things and get out of yourself to get headlines or attention.

Once you sign a contract that states that you're going to have to fight this other man for a substantial amount of money, things change psychologically.

I never in my wildest dreams dreamt of being in a position like this, of having a platform like this, where I can really show the world - not just Africa, but the entire world, people in Asia, India, wherever - that your current situation doesn't have to determine your future.

When you aren't able to do what makes you dominant, what separates you from the pack, it can throw your mind off.

Being a great physical athlete is wonderful, and you need it at this level to be able to train and prepare accordingly. But the closer it comes time to perform, the ratio switches. When you're in camp, it's 90 percent physical and 10 percent mental. But as you get to fight night, it's the opposite.

When I fought in The Ultimate Fighter Finale, I had microfracture surgery, and that's usually eight month's recovery turnaround. I had to fight three months after that, and I fought three months after that. And I had to train through that with that.

I have an excellent team, a great manager, and we're going to put something together: we're going to start a foundation, and we're going to change lives.

We never complained, 'We don't have this or that.' Even though we had to plant certain things and harvest them to be able to eat, we never complained.

When you start out doing something, you never wonder how big is this going to be, or how will I be remembered, or will people even care for me.