Nobody - nobody - in my division wants to fight me, because I am the hardest fight for anybody.

Once you have an opponent in your mind that you're preparing for, you're working on specifics, and you get guys in to mimic what they do.

Not everybody out here trains with me; not everybody knows what I'm capable of. My coaches know what I'm capable of, my training partners know what I'm capable of, and I know what I'm capable of.

I study this sport.

I think Mike Perry is a guy the fans actually care about.

I will be unhappy if RDA ducks me. I will be very unhappy.

When I eventually get my hands on Covington, its more than just a fight: it symbolizes so many other things. It symbolizes the attitude toward immigrants in this country and around the world.

Listen, anybody can put their head down and throw a haymaker and pray and hope it lands.

It's one thing to get somebody down on the ground, but it's another thing to finish him there.

Once I go into these fights, and we have to go through the ringer to prepare for them, and we know I'm not 100 percent going in, winning is the most important thing, and dominating is the most important thing, and that's what we've been doing.

My mind is strong.

When you go to hotels, who are the maids who work at most of those hotels? A lot of them are immigrants. We take pride in that because we're in a better place and want to provide for our families.

A lot of people forget that Americans are immigrants. People are forgetting that, to where people have this attitude, 'We're Americans, go back to your country. Go back. This is a free country.' I always heard that growing up. I always heard that.

I've already proved I have what it takes to be the champion. I'm right there.

I'm the type of person who's never said never.

My parents didn't want me to do this. My dad, when I told him I wanted to wrestle, he told me no, if you're going to play any sports, play baseball.

One thing about me is that my parents didn't force me to be an athlete.

At the end of the day, I'm a professional.

USADA is wonderful, I think they're doing a remarkable job, and they do a remarkable job all around the world.

When you're doing something like wrestling - wrestling is one of the toughest and hardest martial arts to learn - but it's still a form of martial arts. It's still controlled.

I would love to fight a lot more often, but of course it's the UFC, and whenever they feel that they have an opening, then they can put us in there because there's so many fighters.

I'm a people watcher, and I love to listen.

Fighters no longer manage themselves: they have a whole team behind them. A fighter has a manager, an agent, a Hollywood agent - they got this and that. And on top of that, they've got their whole team of coaches.

The fight game has changed to where it's no longer the toughest is fighting the toughest to be the best on the planet.