I have watched 'Wolf of Wall Street' like eight times.

I think I could have asked for a title shot after I beat Ian McCall.

I'm just looking for matches that make sense.

Our first job is to go out there and fight - not to do backflips or have a mustache.

One person I lost to at 135 was the champion at the time, Dominick Cruz.

I want to fight as much as I can.

You're always going to want to beat a person that beat you, just to prove you're better.

It makes you not believe in anything, when you do every single thing you can do right, and then there's still some way to mess it up.

When I say I wasn't a 'meant to be' guy, I've almost been jaded in the sport, where I don't believe in anything.

Dominick Cruz is a great opponent, he has an amazing style.

I think there's no one out there more deserving of a title shot than me.

My wife... so grateful for that. Nothing can be bad - going home and having someone making you feel like the best every day.

Taking punches to the face at six in the morning, it's funny to hear that but, like, I'm grateful that I'm capable to do that.

When the UFC announced that 125 tournament, I remember thinking, 'Finally, this is my spot.'

Life is crazy. It goes in directions that you could never guess.

I love crying. I pick movies to go see with the intention of crying.

My three most impressive fights have been against black belts in jiu-jitsu.

My goal is to be UFC champion, and my eyes are on that prize.

All we have is our talent. That's what's great about the division, you can see things that 125-pound guys can do that some other guys can't. All we have is our skill.

When you appreciate something and you're grateful for it - like going in to work everyday or just your partner or your job - you just do it that much better because you're lucky that you're doing it.

I believe in my skill 100 percent, that I can go out there and beat Demetrious Johnson and give him the best fight there is.

That's what Dominick Cruz does. He wins decisions and he has that down to a science. He's great at it.

I can explode from both stances as a fighter. I can get up into my southpaw, give one good jab, sprawl, then get up into my orthodox, sprawl, go into southpaw and jab.

I never compromised my integrity by playing a character. I didn't tweet anybody something crazy. I was just myself, kept winning and stayed ready. I didn't sell my soul.