I get along just fine with Woodley. He's actually showed me a lot things in the past, and I've worked with him in the past training to help him get ready to fight. There's no hard feelings if me and hit had to scrap.

I've known Woodley for nine-plus years, ten-plus years. We've worked out together plenty. He's one of the guys who used to slam me all around the place. I was at 155, he was at 170 pounds and he was just the wrestler that is a superpower. So that was one of the dudes that got my wrestling a little better from going with guys like that.

I came to 170 and I got motivated and finally they started giving me ranked opponents.

I think the sport is growing and along with it weight classes have to be added.

I don't go around making conversation, I just kind of stick to myself.

I got taught respect because if not, somebody's gonna make you respect them.

There's some people who violate that man-code of the gym.

I'm just not going around disrespecting people.

I just want to go out and compete. Plus the main thing is, at 55 I need a good amount of time to prepare just to make the weight cut. At 70 I can just take fights as they come and just compete as much as I want.

If it was... let's say they just banned 170, that it was either 55 or 85, I'd go to 185 before I'd go to 55.

If you look through my career, I put an end to a lot of guys never been knocked down, never been stopped.

I understand my role in this life, and my job is just to hurt people and get them out of there.

I'm not going to get tired in a 12 round boxing event, especially if I have time to prepare for it.

If they're not the toughest fights I can get, then give me a complete washup, someone that'll be an easy payday. But I'd rather have the toughest fights I can get so I can get to the title the fastest way possible.

It's taken me 26 professional fights to seek out nutritional help and I finally did and it's made a big change in my weight as far as weight cutting goes.

You don't spit on people, especially people's corners.

I want to give big kudos to USADA. Can it be better? Yeah.

I've had to prove myself beyond that street-fighter image with some people in the UFC. It has a stigma to it.

I got kicked out of school... I caused a lot of turbulence throughout those years.

I'm a real fighter.

I thought me hitting you and you not hitting me and me making you miss and even throwing more than you means that I won a fight.

I can't stay stuck in the past.

If I can compete five, six times a year that would be perfect.

The main reason I'm in this sport is not to run mouths and make posts on Twitter and stuff. It's to compete.