I never think past any man, because every guy has two hands and every dude wants to hurt you.

I'm a guy who's in there everyday with world-class grapplers feeling that pressure.

It's simple, I'm a fighter, but on top of that I have to entertain the people.

I didn't get a lot of questions asked earlier in my career, I guess. But I've always been the same guy, more or less.

I do not want to fight Woodley because we're cool. We've worked out so much together, and he's looked out for me in the past with certain hookups that he had at the time. So I don't want to fight that dude.

I grew up in Miami, Florida.

I can box. I can hit hard. I've got different angles.

A lot of times I went to sleep hungry, and not because I was cutting weight for a fight.

Nobody has ever wanted - they get forced to fight Yoel. Ask anybody.

The bigger the fight, the better.

The more I tour the world, the more I see that people are just like me. They love violence.

I just like to fight, man. The place doesn't really bother me.

I've been fighting in people's backyards my whole life.

Back in the day, you used to have to fight three or four fights in one night with no dodging nobody, and that's what the sport got built on.

I've got more mat hours than most of the guys who are grapplers got on the mat.

You guys might not know who Yves Edwards is, if you don't, shame on you, go do some research.

Man, I never got to fight a ranked opponent at 155, and that wasn't because I wasn't winning.

I'm not involved in too many wars, where I'm just constantly getting hit, hit, hit.

When you're up-and-coming in your career, yes, maybe you have to dodge certain guys. 'Hey, my wrestling isn't good yet, let me get it on-point and then I'll come back there,' or, 'I'm not going to fight that guy right now,' because whatever, when you're up-and-coming. But once you're already at the top of your game, you're in there, man. That's it.

My body fat at 173 is five percent, so the rest is just straight water that I lose.

I want the biggest fight, no matter where it's at.

I've never pulled out of a fight.

I want to put money away in the bank.

It's a blessing and a curse. I feel like I've gotta fight every dude that stepped foot on 'The Ultimate Fighter.'