In every fight the strategy is to baptize and take their soul - that's always the strategy.

I'm a dirty south goon - damn right, I ain't no West coast gangster.

My job is to hit somebody until the referee pulls me off.

The more pressure you can put on me and get me out of my comfort zone, the better I shine.

I want the target on my back. I want everybody to come after me. That's been my goal since I started fighting.

It's weird, because realistically, I'm the average person. I got in one fight my whole entire life.

Punch me in the face, I'll punch you twice as hard.

I'm not that type of guy that says, 'No, I think I deserve more.'

In my fights, it's not if I get hit; it's when I get hit.

I know how hard I hit, and so do my fans, and so do everyone else in the UFC.

I'd rather have luck on my side than anything else.

God blessed me with a great wife, a great family, and a great coach.

Nobody really knows how I fight or what I'm capable of. Nobody has high expectations for me. I get to go out and prove I belong.

I am undefeated in Oklahoma, and that's the thing; I plan on keeping it that way.

I really believe that God has a purpose for everything that I do.

I don't want to be one of those guys who fights until they're 38, 40 years old. I don't want to put my wife through that, and I don't want to put my kids through that.

I still believe in my mind I'm the best welterweight in the world.

I wanted to be a father, and I wanted to be involved in my children's athletics, school stuff like that.

I don't know how many times I've went to bed at five, six o'clock in the morning and woke up at 10, running four miles because I wanted to beat GSP that bad.

Everybody's got problems in life. That's the way it is.

I can't keep fighting and being the No. 1 contender for years.

You only get so many opportunities to fight at the top level and stay at the top level.

I'm not going to fight unless it's for a belt. Nothing else matters but the belt.

Every fight, I have to learn something.