I remember when 'Stranger Things' came out, if I had to watch one episode a week, I wouldn't have been nearly as into it as I was when I just sat there and watched the whole thing in, like, two days.

I've been spending quite a bit of time writing, acting, and making films. Because I'm doing all this extra writing, acting, and creating short comedy skits with my friends in improv shows, I feel like that's really filled out my confidence on the mic.

What I think ECW presented was a big opportunity for a lot of WWE superstars. Definitely me. It revitalized my entire career when I moved to ECW.

I'd love to teach Roman Reigns how to work. Just kidding.

Johnny Blaze was my character at OVW. I had all these fancy fire catchphrases: 'Call the fire department,' 'Get your fire extinguishers out, ladies.' 'By the time you hear the thunder, it's going to be too late because the lightning will have already struck.' That was all my thing.

I always liked 'Johnny Blaze,' but we announced it on TV, and it was under copyright by Marvel. Then I had 'Johnny Spade,' and that name sucked, then I had 'Johnny Nitro.' Johnny Nitro was one of my favourite names.

Miz & Morrison, 'The Greatest Tag Team of the 21st Century,' was fun because Miz and I have great comedic chemistry for backstage segments and our Internet show, 'The Dirt Sheet.'

I can't tell you how many spot shows little Johnny Nitro, like, pulled the chair out in the arena in Shelbyville Fair and did a moonsault only to get chewed out by Rip Rogers and Jim Cornette about it. I mean, I did years of it.

I took Kira to a nice dinner at a place called Moonshadows in Malibu, which is by the ocean, and I organized it so a school of young dolphins swam by our table. I took her for a long walk on the beach after dinner, and I told her all the things I love about her. Then I asked her to marry me.

Out Of Your Mind Fitness is designed to train the human body to move.

I watch other wrestlers. I watch movies with Jackie Chan and Jet Li and Tony Jaa. Then there's breakdancing and Capoeira - just anything I see that looks awesome that I think I could adapt in the ring. Just your typical Kung Fu, breakdancing, Capoeira moves.

We really do have a lot of personality in WWE. You have to, to be in this job. You showcase a lot of personality.

I'm big into the PlayStation 2. From what I've heard, the Xbox is the better system, but I can't get used to that controller.

I've always been a fan of Derek Jeter. Guys that consistently, throughout a long-term career, that not only have success but are very aware of their situation - I really dig that.

I watch just as much WWE as almost anyone, but I love to. It's something I enjoy doing. I don't force myself to watch. I get excited for Mondays. I get excited to see the show.

Chicago fans cheer and boo who they want. They're great fans whether they like me or not. They show you how they feel. I don't like crowds that sit on their hands.

I think Edge has completely put himself on the map as a bona fide WWE superstar.

The days I see a Make-A-Wish kid are the best days of the week. It's a real privilege. I give them exactly what they give me - hope.

As far as me participating in 'WrestleMania 32', the Magic 8-Ball says, 'Ask again later.'

When I hear people boo, that just makes me want to go out there and work harder.

As a kid, what brought me in the gym, what got me in there every day was a chance to break your personal best, a chance to be strong; I just really, really dig that.

I think you can check out 'Monday Night Raw' and watch any 'U.S. Open Challenge,' and my actions speak for themselves.

My favorite city is anything close to home. Anytime I can sleep in my own bed, that's a good one.

In 1985, if you were a wrestling fan, you were into Hogan; that's just the way it was.