I have lots of power in my hands.

100 Muay Thai, boxing, and kickboxing fights. Six times world Muay Thai champion, five times European Muay Thai champion, very dominant UFC champion for three years. I know my legacy. They can say whatever they want to, but I'm huge.

This sport is all about winning the fight, setting records, and defending titles.

Winning is like an addiction, but I'm also afraid of losing.

We need real and dedicated fighters and champions in the UFC. It's simply the best organization in the world.

For myself, I'm still little Joanna from the hood - from a small town in Poland, and I'm still having my goals, my dreams.

I cannot help that I'm simply the best.

I have almost 100 Muay Thai fights, so I used to train and fight with really tough kickers.

I always set my ambitions very high. You want to be the greatest athlete, but I realized that life is not about that. I was a little bit blind.

I'm very hard on myself everyday, you can ask my coaches, and after a good training session, I'm not happy because I know I can do better or change something to do better, you know?

You can be an underdog, but you can beat the champion.

Since I moved to American Top Team, I feel like I'm the bird that got to escape from its cage, if you know that meaning.

I like the good part of the sport, the sport side of the fighting.

I'm not cocky. I'm not arrogant. I know my value.

I'm one hundred percent into my life, and into my fighting career. This is who I want to be in the future - as a mother - and if I'm going to leave the sport, I leave the sport. When I finish with fighting, I'm done.

I want to have my own kids, I want to raise them and just be a happy grandma.

I'm a professional athlete, I'm a businesswoman and I know who I am.

Maybe some people think that it's all about the hype, about the fame, but it's not. It's all about being the best. It's all about challenging myself everyday.

I want people to talk about me in five, 10 years, 20 years, that I was one of the best female MMA fighters, that I was one of the best UFC champions in the world back in the day. This is what I want.

I don't do fights on Twitter.

My parents, they gave me everything. They taught me how to work hard. They taught me how to be a good Catholic. They taught me how to love people, how to respect people, but how to stand my ground, as well.

The most passionate fans are from India, and I hope that I can motivate more Indians to pursue wrestling - or any athletics, for that matter - and become champions.

Every day is a blessing in WWE, and I keep reminding myself of that. That's my character.

Calgary prides itself on being a wrestling town.