In Birmingham, England, I had a match with Tyson Kidd, and Mick Foley was at ringside and delivered a socko to me at the end of the match. That was another one of those moments that, if you told me I would be in the ring with Mick Foley giving me a socko, I wouldn't believe you.

The first thing I do when I wake up is cardio on an empty stomach. I'll just drink water, or maybe I'll have a black coffee with no sugar, and I'll do about 25 minutes of cardio, six days a week.

If you eat every two hours, your body doesn't really hold much fat, and it actually speeds up your metabolism.

You can actually eat very clean at Chipotle. They have white rice, they have brown rice, and they have chicken. I stay away from the guac and the sour cream. I just get lettuce, double-meat chicken, and a white or brown rice.

It is an honor to represent the people of India every time I step into the ring.

There's a huge Indian population here in Toronto. Also, Calgary, Vancouver, Winnipeg, Edmonton - Canada really is a great multicultural country.

I learned Punjabi before I learned English in spite of the fact that I was born in Canada.

I'm from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and my family is Punjabi.

I'm Punjabi and speak Punjabi fluently and know all the Indian customs and everything.

My rise in WWE was kickstarted by my physical transformation.

The secret to my success is persistence.

Two months before I re-signed with WWE, I decided just out of nowhere that I will start dieting, to work on my body and train harder. I started focusing more. Two months later, WWE called me back to re-sign. That was not a coincidence but the universe telling me that I am ready.

I was really into sports, playing track and field, amateur wrestling, volleyball, and soccer. I was a very active kid and teenager.

If a situation came about something that would offend someone culturally, I would definitely speak up. WWE would want us to speak up because negative press is not our goal.

Being part of 'Raw 1000' in the same ring with Undertaker and Kane leading an army of young hungry wrestlers was amazing.

I don't eat any junk food.

When I originally debuted in 2011, I was on 'SmackDown.' At the time, they were separate from 'RAW,' so I feel at home on 'SmackDown.'

Why can't I beat AJ Styles? I beat AJ Styles in the past before.

Personally, I am hoping being champion will increase the WWE Universe in India because I know that Indian fans are really passionate, and I want to be WWE Champion in India.

Obviously, in WWE, everyone is on top of their game.

One of my goals is to become a WWE Hall of Famer.

At the end of the day, I write down an 'L' or a 'W,' whether or not the day was a 'Loss' or if it was a 'Win.' It really bothers you to have to write down an 'L.' An 'L' looks like a day I ate a lot of junk food, or I didn't work out when I was supposed to or train when I was supposed to train, or if I felt that I had a bad performance in the ring.

Even in WWE, you believe it when it happens. Because anything can happen in the WWE at the last minute. Things happen, things change, and decisions are made.

MMA, cricket, or anything, you cannot just coast. Every day, you have to wake up hungry.