As long as I can remember, I was a WWE fan. I wanted to grow up and be a WWE superstar just like my favorites.

When I came to WWE - I got signed when I was 23. When I was on 'SmackDown' roster, the main roster, I was 24. I wasn't ready for those responsibilities. I wasn't - I wasn't seasoned enough as a wrestler, as an in-ring performer.

I'm an example that, in the WWE, there are opportunities for people who work hard, improve constantly.

WWE is growing every day, every week, and every month.

One of my goals is definitely to motivate the youth towards sports. Whether it's arts or academics, I just want to let them know that anything is possible. To think that I grew up as a WWE fan and now I'm a WWE champion proves that through hard work anything really is possible.

In order to succeed in WWE, you're responsible. If you put in 100 percent, you get back 100 percent.

When I am on 'Raw' and 'Smackdown,' I try to make the best of it.

There is no food in the world that gives you a better feeling of walking around with veins bulging out, six-pack abs. It's the best feeling in the world.

I am first one in the gym, I do cardio before I have breakfast, and I am training hard every day.

I take a magnesium supplement before my workout because it prevents cramping.

You can't just become complacent or lazy, or then the decline happens.

I'm really proud to represent both cultures, Canadian and Indian, and hopefully I'm making both countries proud as WWE champion.

I haven't read 'The Secret,' but I know what it's about, just having positive energy around you and being positive, and things start happening. I'm really, honestly, a firm believer of this.

I want to be the IC Champion. I want to be the U.S. Champion. I want to be the tag team champion. I want to hold all the championships.

I had become complacent in WWE when I got released in 2014. I had become unmotivated. I wasn't driven. I was out of shape and just not focussed.

Rob Gronkowski cost me the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal, and I haven't forgot that.

I believe that every WWE superstar is in charge, 100 percent, of his own destiny.

I behave. I lock myself in my hotel room every night.

We don't want to upset our fans, because that's not what we are here to do.

Getting released in 2014 was the best thing that happened to me because I got to regain my focus, regain my pride, and come back as the best-conditioned athlete there is in WWE, which ultimately led me to become the single greatest WWE champion.

Mentally, you can't expect positive things to start happening in your life with a negative attitude.

I think I am the most dominant superstar in WWE.

I want to retire, when it's all said and done, as one of the greats.

If I aspire to be the king of WWE, one day if I keep working at it, I will be the king of WWE.