I have a candle permanently on my Jacuzzi because I love me some candles.

If I can represent that body type of women that isn't represented so much in media, then I'd be happy to do that.

My first injury ever was a broken toe, and my mother made me run laps around the mat for the rest of the night. She said she wanted me to know that even if I was hurt, I was still fine.

I'm the champion for a reason.

There's no way to recover after tarnishing an undefeated record.

That's the thing I'm worst at: resting. I have to be forced to do it. Sometimes I think of loopholes. 'Oh, I'm just going for a walk, up a dune that's 45 degrees, but I'm walking, so it's not a workout.'

I don't feel the need to be the hot chick every second of the day. I like to be able to surprise people when I turn it on. I want it to be like the movie 'She's All That' when they unveil her.

I wear sunglasses almost all the time outside - not because I think I'm really, really cool, but because of the rays.

I like quoting 'Lord of the Rings': 'My list of allies grows thin! My list of enemies grows long!'

I love waking up to Sunday morning pancakes. The whole process of making them, just out in the kitchen together making pancakes on a Sunday morning; that's an experience every girl should have.

You go through every single inch of the emotional spectrum on fight week. You're the most stressed out you've ever been, you're the most pressured you've ever been, you're the happiest you've ever been - it's hard. It's exhausting.

I think it's hilarious if people say that my body looks masculine.

There are so many ridiculous arguments that MMA is somehow anti-woman.

People say to me all the time, 'You have no fear.' I tell them, 'No, that's not true. I'm scared all the time. You have to have fear in order to have courage. I'm a courageous person because I'm a scared person.'

I just want to tailgate, drink beer, and hang out in the middle of nowhere in a pick-up truck. That's my ideal date.

I'm unbelievably ticklish. When I was a little kid, my sisters would hold me down and tickle me until I peed my pants.

You can type things on the Internet. You can have no credentials in any area and just get on your smart phone and write whatever you want.

Daniel Bryan, as a person, I think he is a good guy; I don't know him on a personal note well enough to say anything bad about him. As a competitor, he is a die-hard competitor. He is going to bring everything into this match that he can.

Going from The Shield to singles competition, it wasn't a really big transition for me. Before we were The Shield, we were all singles wrestlers. And we were wrestling a bunch of guys all the time down in developmental.

As far as match-ups are concerned, I feel pretty good about matching up with anybody. I'm sort of a hybrid wrestler. I'm extremely explosive; I'm a good athlete. I can move around.

It's always good to see the world; always good to see new places. When I'm sitting at home, one of the great things is when my daughter and I watch TV, and when she sees or hears about a place for the first time, I tell her, 'Daddy's been there!'

A lot of people tune in to 'Monday Night Raw,' and they can hear these boos or these mixed reactions, but they're not there for our Friday live event show, our Saturday show, our Sunday show. I get to experience a lot of very supportive nights where everybody is on my side.

You can either go down the stage like everybody else, or you can go through the crowd like Roman Reigns. I'd take going through the crowd, the WWE Universe, every day of the week.

I'm a character and a sports entertainer and a wrestler, but I'm also a father and a husband and a provider.