I like CrossFit. I agree with a lot of their coaching tips and the foundation of functional movements and hard work. They embody all that stuff. But I also think there's a bit of a cult following within the CrossFit community, a bit of a fraternity, which obviously creates a bias and a little bit of a tunnel vision.

Anytime you're out there in between those ropes, you always have to worry about fatigue. If you think about it, people get tired just doing cardio. You get tired doing cardio just by yourself. Now imagine running around, picking somebody up, picking you up, trying to pin you, trying to hold you down. It gets very tiring.

I don't have anything to prove to anybody else other than myself and my supporters and my loved ones, so if my health is good, I'm going to go out there and kill it.

There's no way Daniel Bryan can beat me in a Royal Rumble match. It's ridiculous. He's nowhere near as heavy as me; he doesn't have a fraction of the strength I have. There are a lot of ways that Daniel Bryan can possibly beat me.

Being a WWE performer and doing all the different things we get to do, it can wear on you, and you can learn a lot of stuff about yourself. For me, it always reminds me to just stay humble. Just be yourself, love what you do, and enjoy the ride.

You never know what's going to happen with this crazy world of sports entertainment, so I would never rule out the fact that Rock wants to come home.

People call us heroes, but we are nothing compared to our police force and fire fighters and everybody who protects us and makes sure our freedom is held to the highest standard.

'WrestleMania' was the best day of my life, the greatest opportunity I've ever been afforded, but at the same time, no one wants to lose the main event for the WWE world heavyweight championship.

This is the deal: You win the Royal Rumble match, you go to main event WrestleMania. That's the process.

I've got a couple of grays in my beard and maybe a little salt and pepper in my hair. If I let my hair down and go through it, you'd see a good bit of grays. Maybe from the stress of the road and the crazy business I'm in.

If I can stay healthy, then I can wrestle every single week. I want to make every single town that I can, see the whole world, feel every crowd in every arena, and pull those emotional strings. I can't explain what it feels like to be in the center stage connecting with thousands of people, but I'm having the best time doing it.

The fans have to realize that as opinionated as y'all are in the way you want it, the company is the same way, and they're gonna do what they wanna do... at the end of the day, I'm just a guy getting rich.

The majority of the time... the people that are critiquing and bashing me, they're making me more relevant, I would think. If you didn't want me around, then just don't talk about me, and try and make it silent out there.

This whole wrestling world is a different breed, there's no doubt.

You can't socialise without being faceless idiots. More people have Facebook friends than actual friends these days.

When I came into this business, there was a bar set for me. My goal is to push it as high as I can to make my family's legacy even stronger. To add to the history that's already been created. So for me, it's a huge challenge that I'm willing to fight for every single day.

'Answer The Call' - we're trying to support the real heroes of our world, the people who protect us and afford us freedom and give us that peace of mind.

Once I got a bit older, and we could see there could be a future in football, it was everyone's blessing to chase that dream. And it did me a lot of good: It put me through college, it gave me an education, it got me a little taste of pro ball and a lot of good memories. I don't regret any of it.

I don't think anybody else could have gone out there with Brock Lesnar and do what I did. I stand by that, and I'm proud of it. My father and my mother were in the front row watching, and they got to see their son go toe-to-toe with Brock Lesnar. Not many people can say that.

If it wasn't for women, I wouldn't be here. I'm a mamma's boy at heart. I love my mom. I have the deepest, utmost respect for women.

That's the real work, being away from my loved ones, my family, my household. There's nothing that's hurt any more than being away from my little girl and missing days, but I'm lucky.

I'm a workhorse. I'll take anything and everything I can get, and I'll do it with a smile on my face.

I always think there's something you can learn.

I'm from a wrestling family, a wrestling dynasty. And as biased as that may be, I firmly believe I am from the greatest wrestling family of all time.