As an adult, I've always tried to be a good person my whole life, so I've made good friends, and I've always built great relationships and been friendly with people. I always think what you do to others will come to you, so that's how I treat people.

I can only do my thing and do the best that I can.

Most of my hobbies involve athletics and outdoor activities. I'm willing to learn about anything and converse and pick people's brains, and I ask people to do the same. I'm into learning anything new and trying new stuff.

The crowd is the crowd. You're gonna take them as an individual performer how you take them. The key is how do you learn from them. How do you use whatever is happening reaction-wise to get better.

I can't say I'm a full-on gamer, since, basically, I just don't have time for it. I know nowadays, gaming can be a lot like social media. People just stay on it all day long. Like they're logged into the Matrix. But yeah, I enjoy it. When I get the time.

Personally, for my character, I started as the silent but deadly type.

I'm doing pretty good for myself, and I'm very proud and very humbled at where I'm at, and I'm extremely blessed.

Don't worry about the pressure or the responsibility. Just live in it, have fun, and when everything seems to be going right, just stay humble and remember your family.

Don't focus on the negativity. Focus on the positivity and the people that want you to do well; then, do it for them and for yourself. Sometimes I do things for myself. Sometimes I do things for my family. Sometimes I do things for my friends.

If you have a good support system like your family and your friends around you, then you can't go wrong. So just believe in yourself, do you your thing, and stay strong in what you believe in.

There's always something that you can learn and something you can teach.

Everyone's a critic: when you are doing something good, everybody wants to bring you down, and that's something I've been told. People want to see you do good, but not too good.

My style appealed to people. That's why I had the fanbase.

I had an exciting style, I was very aggressive, a body puncher, and I attacked all the time.

My passion is promoting and training.

As I went into my role as a trainer I had to get more professional as people were putting their livelihood in my hands.

It doesn't matter how many people say 'well, everyone makes mistakes Ricky, you've had a great career you should be proud of yourself' but that doesn't mean much compared to what goes on between my ears.

We're out of our comfort zones with depression. I certainly was and whenever I have bad days now I speak to someone to get it off my chest.

We think, 'I'm Ricky Hatton or I'm Tyson Fury, I can take on the world.' You can take on the world in the ring but this problem called depression, you can't take it on.

Before I turned professional I used to do carpet fitting for my dad. I wasn't much good, it's a miracle I've still got 10 fingers.

Growing up in a pub taught me a lot about life.

I don't want to be fighting at four or six-round levels - I want to fight for world titles.

Life has kicked me hard, hasn't it? Some of it's my fault, some of it's not my fault.

Boxing has been very, very good to me.