People talk a lot about the Welsh fans but English supporters are also among the world's best.

Frittatas are delicious, convenient, and can even be eaten cold - perfect if you're working against the clock to make your morning meeting.

As soon as you're put on a pedestal, you're easily knocked off it.

I've been written off more times than some of the government's tax returns but I just keep plodding along.

If you want to build a larger physique that actually makes you look like you lift, you need to train your shoulders, back, triceps, glutes, and legs more frequently. You probably also need to suck it up and train them harder than you ever have before if you want them to grow.

There's no doubt that 'the plank' is one of the best core exercises on the planet.

If you want bigger arms, target the triceps, not the biceps.

It is cool to be a pro wrestler and that makes it so much better for us as pro wrestlers - who go out there and put our bodies on the line and give the fans the entertainment that they deserve.

I was young; I signed with the WWE when I was 24. I was up on the main roster when I was 26 and 10 years later that is a lot of learning and a lot of growth.

Anyone that holds a championship you are on a list of a very few people that have had that special honor, and it is really incredible to say that no matter what you say about my wrestling career I was a World Heavyweight Champion and you can't take that away from me.

Absolutely, it's awesome to be a pro wrestler.

I've been a competitor all my life.

I like to think of pro wrestling as an art, so we're artists.

The more you boo me the better I'm going to wrestle. You don't like me? So what. It's a lot of fun to work like that and wrestle with that mindset.

WWE really likes to keep its fans on the edge of their seats and on their toes.

I love being a family man.

I believe competition makes everyone better.

Going through life is always scary doing something new, at the same time it is very exciting.

Jumping into something new is always challenging with the schedule and the routine and when you can train, and fit that into your life that you already have right now.

I think 'We the People' is an example of why pro wrestling is so cool because it was a storyline that started out very political and very controversial and very nasty. It really evolved into a movement of the people, not just American people, but people everywhere.

I would love to fight Fedor Emelianenko in Russia, maybe we can make that happen.

AEW loves what I'm doing with Bellator and Bellator loves what I'm doing with AEW.

Really, my family is my strength and I realize that and I am leaning on it.

When you step in front of a camera, and everybody is going to have their hyped-up personality, everyone is going to have the character they are trying to play.