Outside the ring, I'm not a mean guy. I'm a likeable guy. I'm reachable, to my people.

I'm a great fighter all around the board.

I believe, just in the ring, I'm explosive.

I know that Gamboa is a tough opponent and he'll lay it all on the line.

I've been doing this for so many years that I believe Gamboa can't bring anything to the ring that I haven't seen.

I am the cash cow in the 130-pound division.

I work my angles and things like that.

I want to be a superstar and bring joy and entertainment to the sport.

I want to be a stand-up guy, a smart guy, a business guy. I always have that in my mind.

The love I was getting from the gym, I wasn't getting at home. That actually glued me to the gym. It made me always work harder and want to come back.

I wanted to be that guy they talk about. I want to be the guy that shine. I want to be that No. 1 guy.

Each fight, I'm breaking records that are meant to be broken.

It's good for me to fight in the U.K.

Me and my older brother were taken from my mother at the same time so we were pretty tight.

I was supposed to be in 'The Wire' but I was getting in trouble in school and on the streets.

When I'm in the ring my main focus is just to get the job done.

When it comes to Baltimore I want to say that it's actually a lot worse than what you see in 'The Wire.'

I'm the top dog.

I feel comfortable at both weights. I feel I could fight at 130 or 135.

I've always been the type to know that if I'm getting off the track, I know, 'OK, it's time to tighten up.' I feel like I can see it before it comes.

Normally when I train, I'm all mad, thinking about all I've been through to push me.

After school let out around 2:30, I'd go straight to the gym to be the first person there, even though it didn't open until about 4:30. I was the littlest one and I was good, so they took me serious.

There's nothing Pedraza can bring to the ring that I haven't seen before.

I've been battle-tested inside the ring and outside the ring.