In the amateurs we fought four or five times a week so we always had different opponents.

I do see myself being that big star. I do believe I have the skills and ability to be that big star. I just need to be me, be fan friendly and keep connecting with the boxing fans.

I'm just trying to stay grounded because I know what I want to do in the sport.

I'm preparing myself to be a great, great fighter and also a big star in the sport.

I became a champion super-fast.

I just train hard and fight who is in front of me.

I'm not really into researching my opponents or other fighters other than the ones that I like.

I want to be able to fight on pay-per-view against the big fighters and do big numbers.

I'm an overall sound fighter, a boxer-puncher.

I have good hand speed.

I know how to box, how to move my feet.

A lot of people don't realize the skills and talent that I have.

I know I have a big future in front of me, so that's my main focus. So when I'm outside of the ring, I try to carry myself as a professional athlete, not just anybody.

I've been in the gym, I've been training and I've been getting the Ws. I think that played a factor in me staying out of trouble outside the ring, staying focused on what's in front of me, and that's my boxing career.

I've seen the world and I've seen the bigger picture.

I won my first nationals when I was 10 years old.

I come from a city with a lot of violence and things like that, but my mind was always focused on what I wanted to be in life.

I'm from a city where the tears never end and the pain never stops.

My daughter has changed me. She has made me grow up quicker because I don't just have a kid, I have a baby girl. She has made me more patient. I am actually soft when I get around her. I don't think she changed me as a fighter, but she has changed me as a person. She has helped me mature.

If the right opportunity comes, I'd definitely come back to 130.

Atlanta has accepted me with open arms. Baltimore is always my first home but being able to come here is special.

I want to keep getting better and better.

I have a lot of boxing skills.

I'm the cash cow, I believe, so at 135 or 130, I'm selling out arenas, putting butts in the seats.