The more dangerous the opponent, the better fight I've fought. It always made me move in ways I'd never moved before.

I don't have a nickname. But, hey, they can call me what they want - The Silent Assassin, The Underground King. In Japan, they call me American Knuckle Star. Call me what you want.

I've done it a couple times where I've had fight of the year. It's not what you aspire to.

I beat Gilbert Melendez, and he got two shots at the title.

There's not a single strike that good preparation can't negate.

I'll beat a bunch of good guys, and then I'll get a ton of fans come up to me and go, 'Do you think you can beat Conor McGregor?' And I'm like, 'Oh my God. You guys are disillusioned.' They think because this man's popular he's good.

Undertaker, right up until his last day, was working full time constantly, even when he was beat up, had fire in his eyes. If he couldn't walk, he was flying around, and he was The Undertaker in every way. That was such an inspiration.

To win the Royal Rumble, you don't want to go over the top rope, obviously. But game-play-wise, hopefully you draw a later number.

I treat everyone how I would like to be treated, and I try to treat this industry and this job with the respect it deserves.

The live events are more interactive for the fans. With TV, you have the cameras there, commercial breaks where the fans can tell there's a down moment. At the live events, it's non-stop. We get to play with the audience; the crowd gets to get involved a little more. It's a very intimate feel.

I feel like an eagle eye when I watch my fellow talent because I believe in grass roots, putting 100 percent in when the camera is on or not on.

The goal is become the top person on 'Raw,' the example on 'Raw,' the John Cena, the ultimate workhorse of 'Raw.'

I was a big Hart Foundation guy as a kid. Bret was my favorite wrestler. I loved their dynamic.

Being a Paul Heyman Guy wouldn't be such a bad thing!

You can't just be the same character forever. You've got to add some layers, show some personality.

The first ever VHS I ever owned, my brother and I, was WrestleMania VII. We watched that thing to bits - I think the tape chewed itself up.

When it comes to the southern states, I used to actually live in Louisiana for a year.

I wanted to look in the mirror and be accountable to only one person. The only person is me, and that's the only thing that drives me. The only person I'm in competition with is myself.

The big thing for me is no longer is trying to impress people around me.

I was a big fan of Bret Hart growing up, and Shawn Michaels, the Undertaker, Triple H. I've probably drawn from them when I was younger.

All I know is professional wrestling and sports entertainment. This is all I know, and I wanted to give it everything that I had.

I tell people that the best thing that can ever happen to you is getting fired, and you can either sink or swim, and I swam like hell. The reason why I swam the way I swam was because there was nothing else for me.

I became one of the top wrestlers outside of WWE in the world, and it all happened because I started giving it my everything.

I want to take that top spot in WWE, and I'm gunning for number one.