I am very passionate about this business, and I always have been.

In WWE, a lot of people took my passion as me thinking I was better or knew more.

I truly learned how to be a top brand myself and be what I needed to be.

When you're by yourself and not with WWE, you are your own business. And I was very successful in that business because of all the lessons I learned.

I sent away to America for 'The Inside Secrets of Wrestling' that Percy Pringle and Dennis Brent wrote, and Volume 1 told me to keep kayfabe of the book. So I used to keep it in a briefcase, and I'd go to school every day, and everyone would talk about wrestling, and they didn't know what was going on, but I knew what was going on.

When you are against a guy like a Bobby Lashley, you have to be smart because he can snap a leg in one second. I treat him with that respect.

On the road to WrestleMania, this is where everyone's giving 110 percent.

You want to earn that opportunity to be part of WrestleMania, the biggest show of the year.

The Shield is fantastic. They're everything they say they are.

The Shield has been up at the top for so long now, they're just living in their own little world. They're not working for the boys; they're working for each other.

'WWE' Raw is the No. 1 sports-entertainment show in the world. If it starts to suffer, the rest of the sports-entertainment world starts to suffer.

There are superstars that deserve to be at the top and do give everything.

From a boy who left university as a student straight to WWE - those experiences, those ups and downs in life and work shaped the wrestler and man I am today.

I will never say anything negative about WWE.

I've been so lucky with people giving me an opportunity to showcase the real Drew.

All I want is wrestling to grow while living my dream, and if I can help, then that's beyond my dreams.

Why would I ever be bitter and negative and focus on the past?

Oney Lorcan is such a hard-hitting dude, just like me. We go in there, two hard-hitting dudes, and the crowd are going to be taken aback, and that's our goal.

I was always impressed by the Road Warriors and Legion of Doom. They were just so large and bigger than life in every possible way.

For me, the obvious examples of tag teams I was a big fan of, Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard. I would watch them and be blown away by how incredible they were.

It would have been very hard to grow if I hadn't stepped outside the WWE bubble and gain a clear perspective on everything.

Roderick Strong - we've had some of my favorite battles.

I started training when I was 15.

Partying isn't as important to me anymore like it was when I was younger.