Opportunities came because WWE built my name, and I've made the most of it.

I focus very much on the job and my goals and dreams.

When you're relaxed, the crowd can see it. They can feel it. They can tell when you're being real, or they can tell when you're forcing it.

My goal is to actually top him and be bigger and busier than John Cena.

I appreciate when people give us some positive feedback, and in the past, when I was younger, I might have allowed it to get to my head and have a bit of an ego.

I am happy to do anything that comes my way, and I will always do my best in anything that presents itself.

I was 21 years old when I first signed with WWE. I finished my university degree and came straight to America.

There are a lot of people very sure of themselves that need to be brought back down to Earth. As good as they think they are, they're really not.

It was very clear I wasn't giving my all in the past - not even close.

I want to inspire people and show people no matter what happens, no matter how much you get knocked down, you can pick yourself up. Just keep pushing forward, keep being positive.

I'm a guy who likes to keep fighting five, six times a year, so if I ask for too much money, they might say, 'Well, we pay you too much. We can't let you keep jumping backwards and forwards and promote it.' The money I'm making is good to keep grabbing short-notice fights. I love them; they're my favorite ones.

We have no one to stand up for the fighters' rights. If something bad were to happen, no one backs him, and it's just him alone, and everything gets washed out. We need people to stand up and fight for it.

I'm not going to grant Bobby Green his wishes by fighting him and responding to his nonsense.

I thought that Yoel Romero and Tim Means got the only two tainted bottles of protein in the world. I thought it was crazy. You never know with these companies; you've got to be careful.

I've had people say I'm inconsistent, and sure, I've never held a UFC or WEC title.

The UFC has been nothing but great to me. I can't complain; they give me what I want.

I'll fight every weekend - hell yeah.

You have a short window, you know, and if I plan on living the lifestyle I want, I've got to make a nest egg.

Fighting angry and fighting mad isn't good.

I remember kickboxing and traveling the world when I was young. I would go to Japan or Africa, and I would go for the experience. As soon as I got off the plane, we'd go have a good time, party. Fighting was just the outlet of what I was doing there.

I don't want to sound arrogant or cocky, but taking a fight on short notice against 'Cowboy,' you have to be mentally strong.

I'm not worried about a title. It's just go and have fun.

I signed a contract to fight at UFC 187, so I'm going to fight at UFC 187, whoever it is against. It's the same thing.

I've been all over the world. I've been to Japan, Africa, Morocco, everywhere. Heck yeah, I would go to Ireland. Why not?