One thing you can guarantee with the Travellers, they've got a lot of heart.

Chisora's not a nice man, not a nice human being.

I am not interested in fighting against 50 wimps like the Klitschkos do.

I've never been to Ukraine, but I have heard it's very dangerous for a black man. There are crazy racists who have already sent me death threats.

No one's going to hold your hand in the boxing business. And the people who do end up ripping you off.

Muhammad Ali is my hero. Yes, he was the best boxer in the world, but he also put himself on the line. He talked when black Americans had to be quiet.

I've got good genes. My dad was a martial arts instructor - and he was good.

I was born with a black eye. When they pulled me out with the forceps, they clamped them round my face, so I had a big bruise from that.

The whole idea behind going ahead with this Chisora fight was that a victory may then lead to a fight with Vitali Klitschko.

It makes absolutely no sense for me to turn down a fight I desperately want.

I've got no desire to fight Dereck Chisora inside the ring or outside the ring.

I'd like to be one of the ones who got out on his own terms.

Once I have beaten Mormeck, I don't feel there'll be anything left to prove. After winning the world title, I will be recognised as the No. 1 cruiserweight in the world.

A lot of people say, 'OK, I'm overweight, so I'm not going to eat any food; I'm only going to have an apple a day,' but then your body will go into starvation mode, so what you've got to do is increase your metabolism.

Anything's possible if you set your heart on something, no matter how big and how crazy it seems.

My punching power passes any other heavyweight.

Only time will tell whether the Klitschkos need me more than I need them. They won't believe that. But it depends what they want out of boxing. If they want guaranteed easy victories, then they can do what they've always done, but if they want a tough challenge, you'd think they would want to beat down my door.

When I first went to Fitzroy Lodge, I said I was going to be heavyweight champion of the world and retire when I was 30. This is when I was 10.

Whenever the Klitschkos pick opponents who punch back, things go pear-shaped for them.

I'm too fast, too sexy, and too talented to be blown away by a large, slow robot from the Ukraine.

I've got three Bentleys, a couple of Mercs, and two Range Rovers.

Maybe Tony Bellew is my Benn-Eubank.

It would be nice to crack America, but I need the opponent to do that. If Eddie Chambers is the best American heavyweight they can dig up, it's a very sad state of affairs.

Just before a fight, as the ring empties, you can feel it. There is danger and loneliness all around you. Soon it's just the three of you in there: the referee, your opponent, and you. You're in a very lonely moment then. But, strangely, that's when I feel most comfortable. The ring becomes my office, and I go to work.