I want to fight who the fans who want me to fight.

I've had a lot of good nights, and ideally, I don't want to be remembered for a bad night.

I have always maintained you should be able to bench press and deadlift at least twice your body weight.

There are probably one million dudes in America called Kevin Johnson, and beating one of them doesn't make you an all-time great heavyweight.

There are no shortcut to losing weight. Just hard work and dedication, hard work and dedication.

Even on one leg, I thought I could knock Tony Bellew out. I was gutted when Shane McGuigan threw the towel in.

People say, 'Where do you get your strength from?' Well, where does an ape get his strength from? They are 20 times stronger than humans, and they don't rely on a meat-based diet. They eat plants all day long. It's a myth that you need meat for strength.

Look what the Rumble in the Jungle did for Zaire. No one had ever heard of Zaire until then. After Muhammad Ali fought George Foreman for the title, no one forgets it.

I'm not nervous standing with anyone.

My daughter passed away in 2003.

People in Toronto love to watch fights.

Food doesn't necessarily have to suck in order to be healthy. It doesn't have to be terrible to be healthy anymore.

When I came into the gym, I wasn't just some guy. I was a two-time Olympian.

My training has always been really tough. I've always worked hard. I've always been very committed to my training and focused on my workout.

Jon Jones, grow up, bud. We're going to fight regardless of how you feel. And when we do, and I'm cutting the line, and you might as well pull the guard because I'm taking you down.

Reach, and all that other stuff, doesn't play as big a part in MMA as it does in boxing. Guys don't really fight with their length all that much, because they have to worry about the takedown or kicks. They have to worry about so many other things that they can't just fight real tall.

I'm not stuck in Strikeforce. I'm happy to be with them. It's where I started, and they've been great to me.

I think after I beat Ryan Bader, he should have to go get beat up by Anthony Johnson for being so disrespectful to Anthony Johnson.

Dan Henderson, even when you're close and he hits you from very, very close, you can feel how heavy his hands are. His hands are pretty powerful.

Anthony Johnson hits harder than any other person, no doubt. Every time he hit me, it made me kind of, like, fly all over the place. He was trying to take my head off.

You have to be very vocal about being willing to fight anyone.

We've seen smaller guys in main event fights, and they do well. It just takes the right combination of people I think. I think Dominick Cruz v. T.J. Dillashaw could have main-evented a PPV and done pretty good.

People like to call themselves fans of fighting and fans of the sport, but if you're a fan of fighting, how can you not like watching Demetrious Johnson? He's the best at it. He's the pound-for-pound best fighter in the world. Why wouldn't you enjoy watching that guy perform? He does a phenomenal job every time he's in there.

It's like I cannot separate myself from Jon Jones.